Hi All,
After a few "days off" and busting a gut around the yards and sheds I now have a space cleared where a workbench can go.
This has led me to the mental gymnastics of What/Where/How of antenna/s. Of course this leads to the inevitable question of reputable suppliers and retailers for coaxial cables and other various cable to create said antennas and feedlines (if I ever get past the analysis paralysis).
Any pointers on suppliers in Adelaide, preferably north towards the Barossa?
(14-03-2022, 05:09 PM)VK5PO Wrote: [ -> ]Try IVAN, VK5RS, at: https://connectvk.com.au
northern suburbs of Adelaide Colin.
73, John, VK5PO
Cheers John.
That's one obstacle out of the way...
Now I just need to decide what antennas I can get away with

Hi Colin,
are you after a specific type of Coax? the local club did obtain some long length of LMR400 or one of the clones. not sure of the exact details but if that is of interest I can inquire for you.
The supplier I use the most is Rojone in the eastern states, they always answer your inquiry and are easy to deal with. I am about to buy some LMR-600-UF (ultraflex) and connectors from them.
Hi Peter,
At this stage I'll probably commit acts of heresy and plump for an RG58 variant. These are, initially, temporary installation/s and with all the unexpected expenses getting this place in order, keeping the costs down is important.
I have dealt with Rojone in a previous life - the new project I am on also uses them (I am told).
Sadly, the window to get something set up soon slammed closed again - I will eventually get time and funds... mostly time...
Hello Clint,
the local ISP (where the club meets) also has an abundance of LMR240 off casts if that is attractive, I have quite a bit here that I have not used (N connector on one end) that was by them on microwave I.F feeder cables... anyway I guess you will find a path to progress...

While sorting out the contents of the final few moving boxes I happened across a lonely roll of RG-58.
Now I just have to overcome the antenna analysis paralysis and make some time.
It always comes down to time...