15-09-2022, 04:14 PM
I recently developed a new 'add-on application' << BandView >> for WSJT-X for Windows (about a week or so ago) and am looking for just few people to try it out for me.
It is not totally you-beaut but what it does is reverse-sort the band activity data from WSJT-X so that the newest is at the top but also allows the user to apply a 'filter' to the process across the 4 most important fields : (1) audio tone frequency, (2) callsign #1, (3) callsign #2, (4) report/grid info.
It definitely makes it easy to 'watch' specific callsigns (avoiding the clutter) to make it easier to work them.
Obviously, WSJT-X needs to be running processing incoming signals, for any data updates to occur within BandView.
By default, the software is typically used with * (ie a wildcard) in the search match box, and that means it will display all band activity.
Optionally, you can enter a single letter (eg W, for USA calls) that will list only callsigns that start with that letter. More letters / numbers and the results list gets shorter.
Put in a grid square (eg QG62) and it will list only entries that match that grid area. QG gives more results than QG62..
Alternatively, put in a tone frequency (you saw it flash by a few seconds ago) and list the activity on that tone freq. Here is a tip - if it was 1823 Hz you saw and you enter it as 182 then it will show all with tone frequencies from 1820 to 1829..
Now add a mix of 'filters' separated by commas eg W,K,N,XE,VE,VO,VA and you will see just a list of North American callsigns - eg USA, Canada and Mexico. Ditto for EU area.
Remember to press the Enter key when finished entering the match criteria, comma separated (/delimited) for multiples...
CQ calls have green highlight, as per the typical WSJT-X scheme.
There are a few tick boxes to take note of :
The Auto box enables and disables automatic data updates as WSJT-X cycles.
The Active tickbox next to MyCall enables and disables specific matches to the entered callsign - highlights in red when your call appears.
The Active tickbox at the RHS of the search parameters box enables and disables specific matches to the search field.
The red numbers at top RHS is the current time in seconds - updates occur 6 seconds after the normal FT8 periods i.e. at 6, 21, 36 and 51 seconds past each minute. This delay is intentional to avoid data file crash error messages.
Hover the mouse over other things on screen and most will have a description of what it means or is for.
Settings are saved from one user session to the next..
You will probably have to do a Run Anyway under Win10.
Your thoughts ??
Wild card match ie * (asterisk)
Match only Call#2 calls starting with A
It is not totally you-beaut but what it does is reverse-sort the band activity data from WSJT-X so that the newest is at the top but also allows the user to apply a 'filter' to the process across the 4 most important fields : (1) audio tone frequency, (2) callsign #1, (3) callsign #2, (4) report/grid info.
It definitely makes it easy to 'watch' specific callsigns (avoiding the clutter) to make it easier to work them.
Obviously, WSJT-X needs to be running processing incoming signals, for any data updates to occur within BandView.
By default, the software is typically used with * (ie a wildcard) in the search match box, and that means it will display all band activity.
Optionally, you can enter a single letter (eg W, for USA calls) that will list only callsigns that start with that letter. More letters / numbers and the results list gets shorter.
Put in a grid square (eg QG62) and it will list only entries that match that grid area. QG gives more results than QG62..
Alternatively, put in a tone frequency (you saw it flash by a few seconds ago) and list the activity on that tone freq. Here is a tip - if it was 1823 Hz you saw and you enter it as 182 then it will show all with tone frequencies from 1820 to 1829..
Now add a mix of 'filters' separated by commas eg W,K,N,XE,VE,VO,VA and you will see just a list of North American callsigns - eg USA, Canada and Mexico. Ditto for EU area.
Remember to press the Enter key when finished entering the match criteria, comma separated (/delimited) for multiples...
CQ calls have green highlight, as per the typical WSJT-X scheme.
There are a few tick boxes to take note of :
The Auto box enables and disables automatic data updates as WSJT-X cycles.
The Active tickbox next to MyCall enables and disables specific matches to the entered callsign - highlights in red when your call appears.
The Active tickbox at the RHS of the search parameters box enables and disables specific matches to the search field.
The red numbers at top RHS is the current time in seconds - updates occur 6 seconds after the normal FT8 periods i.e. at 6, 21, 36 and 51 seconds past each minute. This delay is intentional to avoid data file crash error messages.
Hover the mouse over other things on screen and most will have a description of what it means or is for.
Settings are saved from one user session to the next..
You will probably have to do a Run Anyway under Win10.
Your thoughts ??
Wild card match ie * (asterisk)
Match only Call#2 calls starting with A