With the shack recently rebuilt I'm keen to give it a 'shake down', so will be running a 'Home' Station entry this Field Day and on air when time permits.
Unfortunately, the planned antenna upgrades haven't been completed, but still capable of 6m through 3.4GHz.
How many people read the WIA Summer VHF/UHF Field Day rules before the contest ??
I noted there were quite a few stations using FT8 on 6M (50.313) and all were using just 4-character grid exchanges. Now whether they planned to count these QSOs in the FD contest log, or not, I don't know BUT..
The rules quote :
"General Rules
There are no Divisions.
A Square refers to the Maidenhead Locator system definition, as denoted by the 4-character locator. This matters to Rovers, but no-one else.
All stations are required to exchange Sub-Square locations (i.e. the 6-character locator).
and then further down in Contest Exchanges :
"For digital contacts, as RS or RST reports plus serial number make for a cumbersome exchange, it is sufficient to exchange callsigns and 6-character locators, plus two further digits that cannot be predicted by the other station.
The two values/chars that can't be predicted are typically going to be the relative signal level (eg -08dB, so the 0 and 8 are unique) but in contest mode, these exchanges are reflected in the "S" component of the RST part of the exchange. There is a lookup table to convert signal levels down to -30dB to a relative S-unit value, and that all happens within WSJT-X (or equiv).
I should add at this point that the typical contest setup is by going into the Advanced tab from File/Settings and selecting "Special Operating Activity" and then the "EU VHF Contest". { Note that on the General tab, you may need to enable "VHF and sub-mode features" if the EU Contest mode is not available.} This is the mode that uses 6-char grid exchanges so complies with the VHF Contest rules. Here is another BUT, but you need to set up the maidenhead grid value for your station as 6-char { beforehand ! } on the General tab.
What does it all mean ? Theoretically, we can't use WSJT-X for digital modes (no two unpredictable chars option) or, if we do in practice, the rules say the QSOs are invalid.
A future option is to specify VHF EU Contest mode in the rules for digital modes like FT4, FT8, Q65 etc, at least until something better than WSJT-X comes along. Alternatively, drop the two unique character requirement for these same modes but still require the 6-char grid.
I had reason to verify a couple of QSOs in my log so went back to the rules to confirm some details and that is when the above anomoly hit me.. We need to fix this ASAP.
I have yet to re-read the Australia Day Contest rules but I think those rules have bypassed the need for EU Contest mode.
I'm almost ready to submit my log for last weekend's participation - are you ?
See you on the bands..
73 Doug
Another rule that I observed being breached concerned the use of multiple call signs by operators, i.e. making contest exchanges under two or more callsigns. One such operator remarked that he "couldn't find anything in the rules that prohibited this". He was clearly unaware that for VK contests, there are TWO sets of rules - the specific contest rules, and also the General Rules for All WIA Contests. The latter states the following:
3. Contacts
(b) "..... More than one contact with the same operator using different call-signs may not be claimed....."
As always, if you're going to play the game, first be sure of the rules.
(17-01-2023, 02:53 PM)VK4ADC Wrote: [ -> ]"I'm almost ready to submit my log for last weekend's participation - are you ?"
Was completed Sunday by midday before I started weeding/mowing/etc - such is the bane of the [still] 'working class'
Whilst not a serious, or 'full time' effort, it was a great opportunity to provide the re-built shack a shake down. And that I did with the high power 2.4GHz tvtr failing on first contact
It was great to see a number of 'new' local stations taking the opportunity to participate in their first Field Day. Add to that some great 2m, 70cm and 23cm QSOs, and then a Sporadic E opening for the final two hours on 6m to close the contest - made it a great weekend.
de VK4I [VK4CZ]
(19-01-2023, 07:44 AM)VK4CZ Wrote: [ -> ] (17-01-2023, 02:53 PM)VK4ADC Wrote: [ -> ]"I'm almost ready to submit my log for last weekend's participation - are you ?"
Was completed Sunday by midday before I started weeding/mowing/etc - such is the bane of the [still] 'working class'
Whilst not a serious, or 'full time' effort, it was a great opportunity to provide the re-built shack a shake down. And that I did with the high power 2.4GHz tvtr failing on first contact 
It was great to see a number of 'new' local stations taking the opportunity to participate in their first Field Day. Add to that some great 2m, 70cm and 23cm QSOs, and then a Sporadic E opening for the final two hours on 6m to close the contest - made it a great weekend.
de VK4I [VK4CZ]
I had contest mode configured and was able to make a single contact passing a 6 digit grid square at the start of the day, but from then on it just seemed to confuse people. My system would keep trying but they needed to react to their software asking them to change to contest mode to complete the contact.
I gave up and just ran in normal mode. My Logbook automatically populates the grid square out of QRZ so it ends up as 6 digits anyway. I'm going to submit my log as is and wait for it to be rejected.
I participate in the World Wide Digi DX Contest , which uses EU Contest Mode. It's a good way to get used to the functionality.
Maybe a few more posts like this will eventually get us all on the same mode.
Reminder :
Upload your logs via the WIA website Field Day Log File Uploader, at:
www.wia.org.au/members/contests/upload/. VKCL provides auto-upload.
If you need to revise your log, upload it again. Only the last log uploaded is used.
Logs must be received by
midnight EDST, Monday 30 January 2023.
(18-01-2023, 10:55 AM)VK3PY Wrote: [ -> ]Another rule that I observed being breached concerned the use of multiple call signs by operators, i.e. making contest exchanges under two or more callsigns. One such operator remarked that he "couldn't find anything in the rules that prohibited this". He was clearly unaware that for VK contests, there are TWO sets of rules - the specific contest rules, and also the General Rules for All WIA Contests. The latter states the following:
3. Contacts
(b) "..... More than one contact with the same operator using different call-signs may not be claimed....."
As always, if you're going to play the game, first be sure of the rules.
Thanks for pointing that out, Chas.