I have been asked to help out with a new beacon for New Caledonia. When I built 50.024 I built 2x, and to date I haven't needed the spare so im willing to donate to the cause.
Many years ago I came across a rock.. 50.080, thought to myself that might come in handy one day ! What are the chances of that.
So the beacon is all run up on freq, rock seems happy in its new oven environment. Max power out is set to 30w, its final is a 2N5643 rated to 40W so 30 is a doddle.
Ok cut to the chase, why am I here ? well im glad you asked.
The Keyer is a ham gadgets IDoMatic 2 and for what ever reason I cant connect. Conversing with ham gadget man he bluntly said buy the new one, so he clearly has no idea.
Can anyone help me with getting this thing to connect ? as soon as the ident has changed I can get it away.
Original Putty version that last worked was 0.62, I have downloaded the latest 0.79 but same result.
Im considering buying a Arduino Nano and programing, so if this is happens id like to get someone to write some code if ness as my skills are somewhat limited.
Hi Mark,
if you get desperate I can do EPROM based keyer, I know its so 1980's but they keep on working

(19-11-2023, 02:13 PM)ZL2WHO Wrote: [ -> ]I have been asked to help out with a new beacon for New Caledonia. When I built 50.024 I built 2x, and to date I haven't needed the spare so im willing to donate to the cause.
Many years ago I came across a rock.. 50.080, thought to myself that might come in handy one day ! What are the chances of that.
So the beacon is all run up on freq, rock seems happy in its new oven environment. Max power out is set to 30w, its final is a 2N5643 rated to 40W so 30 is a doddle.
Ok cut to the chase, why am I here ? well im glad you asked.
The Keyer is a ham gadgets IDoMatic 2 and for what ever reason I cant connect. Conversing with ham gadget man he bluntly said buy the new one, so he clearly has no idea.
Can anyone help me with getting this thing to connect ? as soon as the ident has changed I can get it away.
Original Putty version that last worked was 0.62, I have downloaded the latest 0.79 but same result.
Im considering buying a Arduino Nano and programing, so if this is happens id like to get someone to write some code if ness as my skills are somewhat limited.
Hi Mark
great that you are working on FK8 beacon
If you are in the position of having to buy stuff to get it going, my strongest advice, before you do, is to look at the RFZero beacon board. This is entirely self contained, runs headless, configures to a wide range of frequencies unmodified including 6m, has on board GPS for time and frequency locking and works out of the box with a variety of beacon mode configurations. Our new 6m beacon has 2 RFZeros and will run carrier/CW-FSK/PI4 (lots of other modes possible too). Very well priced with excellent product support
Call me if you need more info. KJ
(21-11-2023, 02:04 PM)VK4UH Wrote: [ -> ] (19-11-2023, 02:13 PM)ZL2WHO Wrote: [ -> ]I have been asked to help out with a new beacon for New Caledonia. When I built 50.024 I built 2x, and to date I haven't needed the spare so im willing to donate to the cause.
Many years ago I came across a rock.. 50.080, thought to myself that might come in handy one day ! What are the chances of that.
So the beacon is all run up on freq, rock seems happy in its new oven environment. Max power out is set to 30w, its final is a 2N5643 rated to 40W so 30 is a doddle.
Ok cut to the chase, why am I here ? well im glad you asked.
The Keyer is a ham gadgets IDoMatic 2 and for what ever reason I cant connect. Conversing with ham gadget man he bluntly said buy the new one, so he clearly has no idea.
Can anyone help me with getting this thing to connect ? as soon as the ident has changed I can get it away.
Original Putty version that last worked was 0.62, I have downloaded the latest 0.79 but same result.
Im considering buying a Arduino Nano and programing, so if this is happens id like to get someone to write some code if ness as my skills are somewhat limited.
Hi Mark
great that you are working on FK8 beacon
If you are in the position of having to buy stuff to get it going, my strongest advice, before you do, is to look at the RFZero beacon board. This is entirely self contained, runs headless, configures to a wide range of frequencies unmodified including 6m, has on board GPS for time and frequency locking and works out of the box with a variety of beacon mode configurations. Our new 6m beacon has 2 RFZeros and will run carrier/CW-FSK/PI4 (lots of other modes possible too). Very well priced with excellent product support
Call me if you need more info. KJ
I have decided to stick with the Nano. I have it programed and working. My next cry for help is the Arduino compiler. I have many sketches saved that I no longer wish to keep but for the life of me I cant delete. Anyone offer a solution ? I cant be the only ham that's used a nano..
The Arduino IDE software (Windows) usually stores the sketches in the "Documents" folder structure (for your profile... C:\Users\..userprofilename..\documents\ ) under "Arduino" but I suggest you do not do a blanket delete using File Manager/Windows Explorer as there may be wanted items in "Libraries" in amongst the sketch folders/files, plus the folder(s) you do want to keep.
Just don't do it with the Aduino IDE running..