Several functions have been turned off in the forum configuration as the hosting company unceremoniuosly "dropped" my hosting to a new - and different - server with a different operating system and web control panel. Lots of things broke in the process, and not only on this website.
If things don't work at the moment, they will hopefully eventually be attended to.
At least one forum post was lost since yesterday arvo, and that wasn't my doing..
It could come to pass that the forum software will need to be completely rebuilt - too early to tell.
Doug, admin
31 Dec 23 / 0330 UTC :
The server issues continue a bit after a fresh install of MYBB, but only in-so-far as a couple of plugin optional modules/functions are concerned. The balance of the forum appears ok at this stage but no guarantees are given ! These options will be left OFF until other more pressing issues relating to the hosting are resolved.
The data has been transferred so logins, messages, etc should all still be available as previously.
Should you find error messages filling your screen, copy the lines of text and email to webmaster @ ahrdf dot net for eventual attention.
Doug, admin
Hi Doug,
were most of the problems around the version of PHP on the new sever or did it go deeper than that?
The replacement server had 3 versions of PHP available and the errors occurred even at the version 5.6.x (as per the original server), ditto at 7.4.x and 8.0.x so it was not exclusively PHP at fault. Some was obviously in the plug-ins, which I also confirmed were up to date.
This server also runs a much later MSSQLi and that was probably another source of issues as functions get altered as new major versions are released, some older functions simply go goodbye.
The clean install today was with the latest release of MYBB, then the data was imported via PHPMyAdmin and with that came most of the settings. I still had to copy data and image files and folders from the old install to get to where it is right now.
I haven't been innundated with reports about issues so it looks like I have a good starting point to work from.
Hi Doug,
thanks for your hard work, I have not spotted any functions that are not working, having said that I have never been one to go digging unless I had a need. HNY to you, all the best for 2024
I have a tendency to be inexplicably too brief to have a spontaneous response to threads on this magnificent forum, but nevertheless let me contribute the following:
What he said.