After a round trip of 1200km+ between QTHs I'm now the proud owner of a 4.9m dish from Phil VK4CDI.
I just have to recondition it and assemble it. Luckily I have a degree in Ikea
Working out the mechanics and constructing a suitable support and ways to rotate and elevate it will be part of the fun.
Hi Tim,
have you had any thoughts on which bands you are going to fire up on, a dish of that size would be a blast on 23cm I would imagine. I have a 3.7M dish here I have never re-assembled (still spilt in two halves) but my intention was to get active on 23cm EME, even like you did an interstate trip to secure bits but in my case it was for a very large rotator assembly that is now not going to be used. It will be on VK classified soon as a give away for those who want to pick it up
Hope your project gets you on air, I might even surprise myself after November (when I retire) and assemble the dish just for the hell of it and stand it up against the tower for moon set to the EU. Of course I will need a feed... hmmm maybe your degree in Ikea will let you assemble one of those LOL
Hi Peter,
1296 will be my first band for EME. I have a VHFdesign 0.3NF pre-amp and an W6PQL 600w PA to box up, so there's plenty to keep me busy before I get on other bands.
I don't have a feed as yet , I'll have to buy or build something.
I don't know what rotor I'll be using for this thing as yet since its so big and heavy despite being a lot of aluminum.
Retirement is still a few years away for me as yet, so day job gets in the way of AR LoL.
(31-08-2024, 04:10 PM)VK2XAX Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Peter,
1296 will be my first band for EME. I have a VHFdesign 0.3NF pre-amp and an W6PQL 600w PA to box up, so there's plenty to keep me busy before I get on other bands.
I don't have a feed as yet , I'll have to buy or build something.
I don't know what rotor I'll be using for this thing as yet since its so big and heavy despite being a lot of aluminum.
Retirement is still a few years away for me as yet, so day job gets in the way of AR LoL.
Hi Tim,
Lookup Mat from Precision water cutting in hamilton Victoria he can cut you all the pieces you need for a lovely septum feed and fold them , thus enabling your unique ikea skills
Cheers Colin
Hi Col,
Has Mat done this before ? great if he has
I was considering asking one of the local metalworkers to make me one or 3. I though that if go down that path I might as well ask them to make a septum for 2.4 and 3.4 GHz as well.
(02-09-2024, 08:02 AM)VK2XAX Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Col,
Has Mat done this before ? great if he has 
I was considering asking one of the local metalworkers to make me one or 3. I though that if go down that path I might as well ask them to make a septum for 2.4 and 3.4 GHz as well.
Hi Tim,
Yes he has and I'm sure he posted some images on facebook I'm sure if you ask him he will send you the images of the one's he has made