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Full Version: Kenwood TRx51 repairs
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Hi All,

I'm sure there are still some of you out there with Kenwood TR751 & TR851 radios. Great receivers and perfect for field day operation. However they are starting to show their age and some are now failing from either broken pots or problems with the -6V converter. I've collated some notes on the repair of these two issues and made them available on my QRZ page.

I had the "proverbial pot issue" on a loaned TR751 a few years ago with the squelch control and avoided actual pot replacement by reversing the direction functionality i.e. swapping the outside connections. It worked only because the pot wiper connection was ok within the squelch control range but pot replacement would probably have been a better option.

Thanks for sharing.

73 Doug VK4ADC

PS You could have attached the PDF to your initial post had you wished to, PDFs are accepted.
Hi Doug,

I've had everything except the RIT fail on these radios and while sometimes you may be lucky enough to be able to repair it as you have other times there's just no way. There were people selling really expensive replacement pots for years and their implementations varied in their elegance. For a long time I made do with the single gang pots from Jaycar which means no on/off switch. Rockby recently advertised the dual 10K switch pot which is a really great solution because now you don't even notice the radio has been hacked.

On attaching the PDF's, I thought about that but I often change my documents so anyone copying from here may not get the latest version.

Here are the links to the latest files.

TR751/851 pot replacement guide

Repair notes for the Kenwood 6V DC converter

Hi All,

Rockby have the switch pots for this repair advertised in this week's mailer.