My TS-2000X was brought second-hand about four years ago. I have always thought that the receiver has been less lively that it ought to be (especially compared with my much older FT-847) and the RF amp needs to be used most of the time.
Last year it developed two issues: The power switch failed and the RF output on 1296 MHz dropped. Repairs were done those issues were resolved. The tech also checked the receiver and decided that it was within specs, but as I said, it still seems to have a low audio output to me.
In the last week or so the audio has got worse. At switch-on it is barely audible no matter where the RF or AF controls are set. Marginally better with an external speaker. Then it will suddenly become louder and maintain that for a few minutes and drop away again. This is accompanied by hissing and static type noise. It is much worse on HF and 6m than on 2m and 70cm.
Info on the net says that early models of the TS-2000 had faulty ceramic filters and they should be replaced. I have no way of knowing whether this has been done on mine. If that is the problem the task is beyond me and would need to be done by a tech.
I now have a Yaesu FTDx-1200 for HF and 6m, my FT-847 for 2m and 70cm (HF no longer works and needs repair) and a transverter for 23cm, so the TS-2000X is only going to be used as standby rig.
The question is, should I spend more money on it, or just sell it as is for what I get for it?

Advice appreciated.
Hi Wayne,
If it is the filters then I think you're better off getting them replaced. The resale value will be higher especially if you point out the job has been done.
The resale value on a working '2000 is quite good especially if it has 1296.
On the other hand if you're set on getting rid of it as is would you take $50 if I pay the postage costs?

(02-03-2018, 11:37 AM)VK4WDM Wrote: [ -> ]My TS-2000X was brought second-hand about four years ago. I have always thought that the receiver has been less lively that it ought to be (especially compared with my much older FT-847) and the RF amp needs to be used most of the time.
Last year it developed two issues: The power switch failed and the RF output on 1296 MHz dropped. Repairs were done those issues were resolved. The tech also checked the receiver and decided that it was within specs, but as I said, it still seems to have a low audio output to me.
In the last week or so the audio has got worse. At switch-on it is barely audible no matter where the RF or AF controls are set. Marginally better with an external speaker. Then it will suddenly become louder and maintain that for a few minutes and drop away again. This is accompanied by hissing and static type noise. It is much worse on HF and 6m than on 2m and 70cm.
Info on the net says that early models of the TS-2000 had faulty ceramic filters and they should be replaced. I have no way of knowing whether this has been done on mine. If that is the problem the task is beyond me and would need to be done by a tech.
I now have a Yaesu FTDx-1200 for HF and 6m, my FT-847 for 2m and 70cm (HF no longer works and needs repair) and a transverter for 23cm, so the TS-2000X is only going to be used as standby rig.
The question is, should I spend more money on it, or just sell it as is for what I get for it?
Advice appreciated.
GD Wayne,
I have 2 TS2000X here, one of them falls in the dodgy filter range and several years ago exhibited the classic fault. I bought a set of filters from Kenwood Aust, $12 from memory, and with a really good desoldering station, all fixed, no further problem....touch wood...(It is my main rig, used for EME on 2/70/23)
You could ring Kenwood and ask if the repair is covered by them, as in the USA....worth a call......
GL with it.....
(02-03-2018, 03:54 PM)VK4CDI Wrote: [ -> ] (02-03-2018, 11:37 AM)VK4WDM Wrote: [ -> ]My TS-2000X was brought second-hand about four years ago. I have always thought that the receiver has been less lively that it ought to be (especially compared with my much older FT-847) and the RF amp needs to be used most of the time.
Last year it developed two issues: The power switch failed and the RF output on 1296 MHz dropped. Repairs were done those issues were resolved. The tech also checked the receiver and decided that it was within specs, but as I said, it still seems to have a low audio output to me.
In the last week or so the audio has got worse. At switch-on it is barely audible no matter where the RF or AF controls are set. Marginally better with an external speaker. Then it will suddenly become louder and maintain that for a few minutes and drop away again. This is accompanied by hissing and static type noise. It is much worse on HF and 6m than on 2m and 70cm.
Info on the net says that early models of the TS-2000 had faulty ceramic filters and they should be replaced. I have no way of knowing whether this has been done on mine. If that is the problem the task is beyond me and would need to be done by a tech.
I now have a Yaesu FTDx-1200 for HF and 6m, my FT-847 for 2m and 70cm (HF no longer works and needs repair) and a transverter for 23cm, so the TS-2000X is only going to be used as standby rig.
The question is, should I spend more money on it, or just sell it as is for what I get for it?
Advice appreciated.
GD Wayne,
I have 2 TS2000X here, one of them falls in the dodgy filter range and several years ago exhibited the classic fault. I bought a set of filters from Kenwood Aust, $12 from memory, and with a really good desoldering station, all fixed, no further problem....touch wood...(It is my main rig, used for EME on 2/70/23)
You could ring Kenwood and ask if the repair is covered by them, as in the USA....worth a call......
GL with it.....
The people I spoke to at Kenwood did not know what I was talking about, but I did get a very good offer on a new mixmaster
I have sold it "as is" and got what I regard as a good price from a TS-2000 enthusiast
(Sorry Lou, you were out bid

Wayne VK4WDM
Grrr missed it by that much eh?