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Contest Introduction
The VHF-UHF Field Days provide VHF-UHF operators with the opportunity to "head for the hills" and see how far and how many they can work.

The Field Days have separate sections for single and multiple operator stations. The duration of the Field Day is 24 hours, but there are also 8 hour sections for operators who may not be able to camp overnight. Most club stations prefer to operate for the full 24 hours.

The Field Days also generate plenty of activity from home stations, so there is also a separate Home Station section.

All contacts must be simplex: contacts through repeaters or satellites are not allowed. There is plenty of FM activity, but one feature of the Field Days is a high level of SSB activity.

It is possible to do very well with only modest antennas if you pick a good hilltop. Another option, if your station is easily transportable, is to operate from more than one location during the contest period.

Aim Of The Contest
The overriding aim is to get away for the weekend and have fun! But next after that, the aims are:
[Image: bullet.jpg]   to encourage more activity on VHF and microwave bands;
[Image: bullet.jpg]   to encourage people to work greater distances than usual by operating portable, and
[Image: bullet.jpg]   to provide opportunities for people to activate or work into new grid squares.

Contest History
The first VHF-UHF Field Day was run as a trial in January 1989. It was quite well received so it has continued since then. In 1998, there was a trial Spring Field Day which also proved a success. Support for the Field Days continued to increase, and a third event - the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day - was introduced in 2008.

Upcoming Contest Date & Time
[Image: bullet.jpg]  Spring 2019 - Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November.
From text edition for OCTOBER 27 2019 - VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA :

Also in MP3 edition of news available at:

VHF/UHF/Microwave Spring Field Day

The Spring VHF/UHF Field Day is coming up on the 23rd and 24th of November.

Why not take some time and think about dusting off the VHF/UHF gear and see who you can contact?

There will be quite a number of fellow hammers out and about in a few locations and they would love to make a contact with you, but you dont have to go portable to participate.
Logging is easy as many of the logging programs will be aware of this contest and do all the point calculations.

There will be activity from 6M all the way up to 3cm.

Why not look at building a new antenna for one of the VHF bands and see how far you can reach. There are sections for 8 Hours, for 24 Hours, Single or multiple operator stations so plenty of options.

(Sourced to VK7ZBX in VK7 News)
I'll be back in my former homeland of NW Tasmania that weekend so planning to go out with a few of the local VKs over there for portable operation on the Saturday afternoon. We'll be at the old DCA transmitter site at  East Devonport. It has an excellent 360 degree take off, looks right over Bass Strait so we're hoping to catch some Victorian stations. It will be a good location for northern and north west VK7s as well.
Looking forward to Boags and scallops afterwards too.
- Bill VK3CWF
Hi all,

I'll be on for the duration for the contest at home from QF56if23

QRV on 6,2,70, 23 & 13cm

