Save the date, the weekend of March 7 & 8 will see the inaugural SEQ Autumn Field Day weekend in 2020.
As things start to cool and the southerners head north (it’s a long weekend in VK1/3/5), here is your chance to catch up with faces you have heard but not seen, maybe sell or buy a bit and just have a good time. There will be a social event on the Saturday night, and then on Sunday a car boot sale/Hamfest event at the decent start time of 10AM. With one of the few VK4 Hamfests that occurs on a Sunday (we know kids sports keep many away in Saturdays) this weekend is designed to be a social one that caters for a variety of tastes, be it a car boot sale, table/hall based trading or even just having a drink and a bite to eat on Saturday night.
Who said there are too many Hamfests in VK4?
Ahhh, but where ??
If it's an overnight-er, are you making sure there is room for caravans, campers or tents somewhere nearby ??
I know it was just a teaser post, but you might need to fill in a few more details....
PS JMMFD should be on the 3rd weekend (21st & 22nd) so won't clash.
Will post the details as soon as they are confirmed, the venue is still to be confirmed but space for the car boot sale and campers is a consideration.
Well the WIA News info must be wrong : The 10th March 2020 is mid-week - just looked it up - and it will be here before we know it....
QSLComms ( ) has the event details as..
Weekend of March 7-8, 2020
SEQ combined clubs field day weekend
A new Hamfest for Queensland. Featuring a weekend of activities including a Saturday social & Sunday Hamfest/Car Boot Sale.
12noon Saturday-2PM Sunday
Landsborough Sports Complex
Apart from that, very little info to be had about the event. Hopefully someone will release more details shortly. I don't even know who the organisers are - that hasn't been made public.
Found the following on Facebook, dated 24th November 2019 , and the original dates were planned as May 23 and May 24, 2020, but are now March 7th and 8th.
Facebook :
"A bit more on what’s planned for the SEQ field day weekend. Firstly while its being organised by QSL Comms, it’s aimed to be for the benefit of the hobby, which is why we will be reaching out to the SE Queensland clubs shortly to work with us on the event, and all profits will go to the clubs. We are looking for a club to run the catering & a club to provide manpower for event management including Marshall’s for parking/security.
Each club will receive the proceeds of their area, but will also get a hand from QSL Comms. For the food, we would like to see a couple of signature dishes, so 5kg of Mooloolaba prawns will be provided and a similar quantity of pork ribs. In addition to a bacon and egg breakfast, we figure World Famous Mooloolaba Prawns in a roll with lime aioli or Slow Cooked Pork Ribs with mash/slaw for lunch might just make the event a standout!
The Hamfest will be held on the Sunday from 10-2, making it the only Hamfest on a Sunday in the region. Don’t forget Australia Zoo is just up the road for family members not into radio, although the event won’t be just radio, as we hope to have Astronomy, Aviation and Robotics hobbies also on display.
There will be a raffle with a major prize of a FT991A or similar along with door prizes such as Retevis RT3S Dual Band DMR radios or Nano VNAs, all donated by QSL Comms, and proceeds split amongst the participating clubs.
Saturday night will see a social event most likely at the Landsborough Hotel, and there may be other activities Saturday afternoon such as Barra Fishing at Bli Bli -TBC.
If your part of a club that wants to be involved, feel free to drop us a line before we reach out to all the clubs in coming weeks. Ideally over time we would like to see the event travel to other locales in SEQ with different clubs participating."
Add some fox hunting, a VHF or HF scramble, ...... something interesting and involving !!!!!
Back towards the older style hamfests which weren't simply "sell-some-junk" gatherings.
Bit of an update on the field day:
SEQ Field Day - Due to part venue unavailability, this event is changing venue and dates. May 23/24 @ Narangba Community Centre, 227-229 Mackie Rd, Narangba QLD 4504. This venue will allow for car boot sales, 40 odd tables and is across the road from an ATM and the train station. Communication with clubs on involvement will start this week.
The new venue is in the Brisbane North area and the date fills a gap between Redfest and Caboolture events. Saturday dinner is likely to be at Max’s Diner and Bar @ Narangba, and we are looking at other activities on the Saturday including a fox hunt and in the morning a tour of a facility