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 some time ago while doing lots of SSB operation on 50 MHz with lots of TV Buzz and QRM, I used a 'fake stereo' encoder to process the audio from my rig to drive my headphones, this gave me a spatial effect on the audio and gave me the ability to concentrate on the wanted signal to the exclusion of most others by their spatial (Right / Left / centre) location as created by the fake stereo encoder.

I have long since lost this little gem and am wondering if any one else has seen a similar device whether a kit (mine was an ETI kit I think) or an already made box?

Peter, vk5pj ex vk8zlx
Only things I can find that might fit the bill are:-

Stereo Sound Enhancer ETI 1423 Jun 94

Stereo Simulator EA Apr 83
thanks Terry, the 'simulator' was the part I was missing for a description, now I search for that I am in better luck.
I have the EA Apr 83 mag if you can't find it.
have ordered one of these to give it a try.
Here's the manual/schematic if anyone else is interested.