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Posted by: DU7PA0HIP - 10-09-2016, 07:52 PM - Forum: 50MHz - Replies (3)

I seem to be the only user till now, Username doesn't accept the "/" hence the somewhat strange callsign DU7PA0HIP

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  Freescale 1296 amp design
Posted by: VK4UH - 10-09-2016, 06:01 PM - Forum: 1296MHz, Microwave & Opto - Replies (3)

Does anyone know if anyone is producing a board,kit or even complete pallet for the Freescale 1296 SSPA AS DESCRIBED IN DUbus Vol44 4.quarter?

Kevin VK4UH

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  Tracker LYNX
Posted by: VK5ZLR - 10-09-2016, 05:28 PM - Forum: Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers - Replies (2)

Don't suppose anyone out there would have a cct for a Tracker Communications LYNX ? :?:

Bit stumped as to why it has no Rx on all channels.

Its about the size and weight of a volkwagen, and of questionable usefulness, but it annoys me that it doesn't work.

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  Upcoming balloon launch
Posted by: VK5ZRL - 10-09-2016, 04:54 PM - Forum: Satellites & Balloons - Replies (3)

I found this announcement on the AREG site for an upcoming balloon launch.

AREG members will again be involved with Project Horus, undertaking another high altitude balloon flight for some high school
students on Sunday September 18th. The Launch time will be 10.00am from Mt Barker, in the Adelaide Hills.
Amateur Radio operators from across SE Australia can get involved in the flight by contributing to the telemetry gathering effort.
Tune your 70cm SSB radios to 434.650 and decode the RTTY telemetry using the dl-fldigi software.
Keep watching the AREG website for further details and confirmation of the flight day (flights can be cancelled up to 24hrs before
liftoff if adverse weather is predicted).

73 to all,

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  23-on-23: Friday September 23, 2016
Posted by: VK4CZ - 10-09-2016, 07:51 AM - Forum: 1296MHz, Microwave & Opto - Replies (9)

Friday 23rd September 2016 is the next scheduled 23-on-23 Activation Event - and the last before the October 23-on-23+MAD - providing another opportunity to activate your 1,296MHz capabilities.

Continuing the successful approach will see op's in SE VK4 focus attention on either the north or south paths during the two assigned time slots as detailed below.

Start time: 10:00z / 8:00pm AEST / 9:00pm ADST

Stations in BNE and more southern stations beaming north
08:00pm - 08:30pm / 10:00z - 10:30z
QRG: 1,296.100MHz

Stations in BNE and more northern stations beaming south
08:30pm - 09:00pm / 10:30z - 11:00z
QRG: 1,296.100MHz

Start time: 11:00z / 9:00pm AEST
QRG: 1,296.225MHz (Mode JT65)

These events are designed to develop the level of activity on 23. Please do not hesitate to share with others who you know have capability and see if we can continue to grow the numbers of participating stations.

Activity is not limited to stations within SE VK4, everyone is very welcome to participate.

Unfortunately as it has been proven in the past, if the participating stations are unaware of your operation, there is a high likelihood that you wont be worked. Please take a moment to share advice of your participation, so that attention to 'exploiting' the path can be provided.

Sadly, I will be /VK2 that evening and wont be able to participate.

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  Antenna options for 12M and 17M ??
Posted by: VK4ADC - 09-09-2016, 07:16 PM - Forum: Towers, Masts & Transmission Lines, Antennas - Replies (6)

I had my first real taste of 17m operations earlier this year when I went to Norfolk Island and operated as VK9NU ( ) . There were times when 20M wasn't open, neither was 15M yet 17M was. My attempts to work on 24MHz / 12M failed due to no real propagation yet the gear / antenna worked on that band.

My home QTH antennas didn't include 18MHz or 24MHz directly at that stage so I started planning something after my return. The outcome was interspersing two extra elements on my Cushcraft A3S tribander boom. More details at

There are few ideas around other than dual band trap wire dipoles or two or three element yagis just for 18 and 24 MHz. That leads me to ask: What antenna options have you in place for these two bands ??


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  WIA reform group
Posted by: VK5ZLR - 09-09-2016, 06:30 PM - Forum: W.I.A. / ITU / IARU - Replies (8)

I reckon these blokes have the right idea, hopefully they can get traction.


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  The HF daily drive.
Posted by: VK5ZLR - 09-09-2016, 06:25 PM - Forum: Transceivers, Transmitters & Receivers - Replies (2)

OK lets start the ball rolling.....

Transceivers, HF, various:


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  JOTA 2016
Posted by: VK4ADC - 08-09-2016, 03:05 PM - Forum: Contests, Field Days, Portable Operation, JOTA, SOTA - Replies (9)

I have been approached by Ashmore Scouts on the Qld Gold Coast to assist with a JOTI/JOTA activation on 15/16 October 2016.

I can sort out most of the requirements but I am wondering if there are any Advanced or Standard call (in particular but won't say no to an enthusiastic FL) who lives in the vicinity of the northern part of the Gold Coast and who would be able to provide some hands-on either day.

The 'hands-on' will be either operating on HF or VHF, directing a UHF fox hunt or one of the anticipated JOTA activities. UHF handhelds (which can operate at 441.1, 441.2, 441.3, 441.4) would be useful for the likes of the fox hunt, wide games and the phonetics message passing so if you have one of those, that would be a bonus.

There looks to be possibly 100 scouts attending at the Asmore Den over the weekend and the larger the number of operators then the more likely that they can complete all of the currently-planned JOTA activities.

The scouts will also have a bank of JOTI computer set up so there will be options to make contacts even if HF propagation is poor.

The equipment, antennas, coaxes etc is all to hand and setup on Saturday AM /pulldown Sunday PM is under control.

PM me if you think you may be able to help.

73 Doug VK4ADC

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  New Member (s)
Posted by: VK5ZLR - 08-09-2016, 02:59 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (24)

Hello, now we have a substitute for VKLOGGER (may it rest in preace)......


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