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Informal Microwave Activity Day before 2023 Spring VHF/UHF FD - Printable Version

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Informal Microwave Activity Day before 2023 Spring VHF/UHF FD - VK3BA - 29-06-2023

G'day All,

Is anyone interested in an informal Microwave Activity Day or two between August and November, prior to the Spring VHF/UHF FD to test out your gear or fire up that contact via appointment gear??

I was thinking after lunch, on a Saturday or Sunday. Whatever suits the majority. Grab a coffee and fire up your gear on a nice sunny day (we haven't many of those in VK3 this year).



RE: Informal Microwave Activity Day before 2023 Spring VHF/UHF FD - VK3BA - 03-07-2023

G’day All,

Righteo, it looks like we’ve nearly got half a dozen VK3’s interested. If we’re to run this on a Saturday, it wouldn’t take too much to cruise over into VK5 to stir the pot either. We’ll see how the interest goes… we’ll aim for a Sunday. But if there’s enough interest in VK5, we’ll slot in the VK3 area for a Saturday and then a couple of us will cruise into VK5 on the Sunday if there’s enough interest. We’re open for ideas. Plus there’s great accommodation in the Adelaide Hills and Glenelg in between. Would it be possible that the Elizabeth group might have their beacons up and going by then??

With everything going to plan, I’ll be active from 2m – 10GHz and can be seen on APRS via VK3BA-10 plus I’ll have HF on board, mainly 40m. If I get motivated enough, I may end up at Mt Arden at the bottom end of the Flinders – great part of the world, especially around Hawker.


Nik Presser