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Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - Printable Version

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Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4KJJ - 30-05-2017

The Brisbane VHF Group would like to invite all microwavers to a get together on Sunday 16th July at the clubrooms of the Redcliffe and District Amateur Radio Club.

We will be setting up a test range for 10 GHz. So bring along your 10 GHz gear and give it a test. As well as having a weak signal source to compare receivers we are also going to have the facility to compare transmitter signal strength - something new.

This get together will also be a good chance to bring along your latest project to show others what you have been working on.

The Redcliffe club will have food (BBQ) available. More details will be posted closer to the date.

Geoff VK4KJJ

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4KJJ - 29-06-2017

I forgot to mention, the Microwavers get together on 16 July starts at 10 AM.

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4ADC - 13-07-2017

BUMP to the top again.

This weekend.

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4ADC - 16-07-2017

BUMP again. 

The wet weather may affect today's scheduled activity but it is timed to start at 10AM TODAY.

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4OE - 16-07-2017

Well, it turned out to be a really nice day in Redcliffe and the event was enjoyed by ten participants who had working 10 GHz stations, plus a goodly number of other interested folk.

Receivers were tested by evaluating SINAD when listening to a locally generated weak signal over a 30 metre path, and transmitters were evaluated by measuring the power captured by a small horn antenna over the same path length.  A huge vote of thanks has been given to Geoff VK4KJJ for developing the measurement systems in use on the day, and for generally promoting the event!  Thanks as well to RADARC for hosting this microwave day, and for organising catering as well.

Thanks too to all the fellows (plus a couple of ladies) who came to contribute to the enjoyment of the day!

Results of the tests and measurements will initially be posted on the BVHFG web pages, after they have been prepared for such presentation by Geoff.

Cheers to all!

--Doug, VK4OE.

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4VU - 17-07-2017

Hi Doug ,

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately the timing of the 10 GHz event was such that it clashed with a family function, so I wasn't able to attend.

I happened to notice an announcement on the BVHFG website
that the July meeting (26/7) will be held at Chermside.

Is this likely to continue ?

It certainly makes the meeting venue more accessible for Brisbane north-side residents if that is the case.



RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4OE - 18-07-2017

Greetings to all again!

On Sunday, some folk would have noticed the expiry of an HP435B microwave power meter together with some visible smoke!

Well, you may be interested to learn that the smoke was caused by the demise of a 25-year-old capacitor that sits across the main 240VAC lines, forming part of the EMI filtering of the AC power input:

I am happy to report that with a $0.95 replacement 'X2' 22nF one from Jaycar, the meter is now working properly again.

With respect to Rod's question (a totally different subject), the BVHFG meeting at Chermside next week is there as a trial location and I can't anticipate what decision the members present will make regarding the venue.

Cheers and 73,

--Doug, '4OE.

RE: Brisbane VHF group - Microwavers get together - VK4KJJ - 23-07-2017

The results and report of our 10GHz tests is now published on the Brisbane VHF group website