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2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - Printable Version

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2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK2ZRH - 28-09-2016

Its over Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November.

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73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 30-09-2016


I followed your link to the WIA Contest Page but don't see rules for the 2016 Spring FD event.
Is it still the two divisions arrangement or has it finally been ratified down to either distance or grid squares ?

It is still a bit early for me to formulate plans to go out but it is a timely reminder that I have some microwave gear to check/fix before the next 7 weeks elapse.

73 Doug VK4ADC

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK2ZRH - 03-10-2016

The Rules have been submitted for publication in the November issue of Amateur Radio magazine and are now also posted on the website.

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Posted in the interests of sharing the news. Smile

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 05-11-2016

I was 'cornered' by a few enthusiastic VHF/UHF/Microwavers at the Gold Coast Hamfest this morning as to my intentions as to the Spring FD coming up in just two weeks time. I told them that I was considering whether to participate at all given the low levels of activity in SE Q'ld in recent FD events but that I had yet to make up my mind either way.

I am posting this here in the hope that I can fairly quickly gain some idea of possible activity in at least northern NSW and SE Q'ld, and maybe the rest of VK (& ZL too?) - as to whether it is worthwhile going through the preparation and setup phases.

If you are planning to be active please post to this topic at least a minimal response as to bands, location and operating time window, [I know that Contest RADAR might contain this info immediately prior to the event but it really doesn't serve as an early indicator.]

If you know of others not currently active on the forum who might be participating, get them to join up and then post their details too - or, in the worst case, post it for them.

What say people????

73 Doug VK4ADC

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3QI - 06-11-2016

Hey Doug,

The VHF/UHF field day is in 3 weeks time!

Sat 26th and Sunday 27th November.

Hope you don't go out too soon!

Peter VK3QI

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 07-11-2016

VK3QI Wrote:Hey Doug,

The VHF/UHF field day is in 3 weeks time!

Sat 26th and Sunday 27th November.

Hope you don't go out too soon!

Peter VK3QI

Hot damn. I just checked the rules PDF and you are absolutely correct. That makes my life just that little bit harder as I really doubt that I can make it on-air that weekend. To be confirmed after I check the family activities calendar.


Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3LL - 16-11-2016

Damian VK3KQ and I will be operating all bands 6m to 24G as VK3KQ/p for 24 hours at our usual location - "Bald Hill" in the Ross Creek State Forest near Enfield, about 25km South of Ballarat. Grid Square is QF12VG.

Ralph VK3LL

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 17-11-2016

I am still not sure about availability for this FD but have been getting a few things ready in case it becomes a viable option. I would be able to do 6/2/70 only using my turnstile bank if it comes to pass. ( )

What I did find useful was a Maidenhead Grid overlay option for Google Earth:

and it gives greater detail as you zoom in... Clicking on a spot produces :

The important detail is the 2nd last line : QG62IN00AA00
(the place on the map was picked at random)

I have also downloaded an App from the Playstore for the android phone so I can use it to give me the 6 char Maidenhead needed for the FD exchanges, unfortunately it does not 8 give char as an option.

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4TS - 17-11-2016

We are out - that is the weekend of the CQWW CW Contest - so will be doing that rather than VHF UHF.

Look forward to the January outing - hopefully we can rattle some locals on the Sunshine Coast into activity


Trent VK4TS

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3QI - 18-11-2016

The EMDRC VK3ER/p plans to be out again at our usual place, McLaughlin's Lookout QF22DM.

The weather looks good for next weekend, right across the southern states VK5,3,7,1 and southern 2, so we are hoping for some good DX contacts and (hopefully) some sporadic E for 6 and 2mx.

We will have all bands from 6mx thru 47Ghz. Preferred frequency for 3 Ghz is 3398.150 Mhz, that is 2 Mhz lower than previous.

Hope to work you all!


Peter VK3QI

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4OE - 19-11-2016

Greetings to all.

Weather permitting, I expect to be operating on both the Saturday evening and the Sunday morning, but only from Mt Gravatt in Brisbane, QG62MK. [On this occasion a wedding that my wife and I will be attending on the Sunday afternoon preclude my being more adventurous.]

I should have the usual lot of operating bands/frequencies from 50 MHz to 47 GHz, and my setting them up will depend on other folk also having them available. All contacts will be welcomed!

Here's hoping for a fun time!!

--Doug Friend, VK4OE.

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 23-11-2016

G'day all

My FD plans are quite fluid at the moment as I will be somewhere south of the Qld/NSW border and north of Port Macquarie. I am hoping for a couple of hours on Saturday arvo on 6/2/70 SSB using the turnstile array and will be looking for a suitable high spot somewhere along the way. I can't be more precise about actual location and grid square as yet. There may not be many stations operating in this area so I am hoping the 6M opens with some Es.

I spoke to Grant VK2MAX on 2M FM today and he will be operating at least part of Saturday afternoon too (2M & 70CM SSB if as usual), and I was also told that some of the amateurs from the Port Macquarie area will be mountain topping both Saturday and Sunday so look out for them. Callsign not known.

Brisbane/SE Q'ld operators: please look south occasionally for all/any of us.

73 Doug VK4ADC

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3QI - 24-11-2016

Any other VK1, VK2, VK3 and VK5 hams going out this weekend for the VHF/UHF FD?

Don't forget to put your details up on Contest Radar <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Conditions are looking very good right across the southern states.

see: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ndex.shtml</a><!-- m --> for Saturday night predictions.


Peter VK3QI (VK3ER/p)

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3HY - 24-11-2016

VK3HY Will be operating from Tyaak for the first eight hours or so. 50MHz 144MHz 432Mhz 1296MHz 2.4GHz 3.4GHz & 10GHz. Will post details on Contest radar shortly.

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3QI - 24-11-2016


Unfortunately Tyaak is right behind Mt Macedon for us - however we will do our best to try and work you on as high a frequency as possible using all sorts of reflecting tricks! :mrgreen:


Peter VK3QI

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK4ADC - 28-11-2016

I made a total of 11 QSOs during a brief setup on Saturday afternoon, 10 on 6M SSB to VK1,2 and 3 plus a 2M SSB to Roy VK4ZQ up Brisbane way. I was set up under some nice shady trees adjacent to the Coolamon Lookout at Bangalow, height 180M ASL, along the old Pacific Highway near the turnoff to Byron Bay. (Grid QG61SI42.) The 2M and 70CM turnstile sections were up in the tree branches but that couldn't be helped as there were little enough options in parking space for the car with caravan attached.

I tried later from Kingscliff Caravan Park (QG61SS82) and heard VK3ER coming back to me but the signal was not strong enough to rise above the local electronic hash, well not strong enough to make a contact. I did hear VK7DX at one stage but wasn't quick enough to make the call back before he disappeared.

My original plan to operate for a longer period from the Bangalow spot was thwarted when I found that the deep cycle battery in the caravan had dropped a cell (and thus 2V off its output voltage) and then I was being conservative about using the IC7000 off the vehicle battery for too long.

73 Doug

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK3QI - 02-12-2016

A couple of videos of our VK3ER/p VHF/UHF Field Day station last weekend at McLaughlin Lookout in the Wombat State Forest.

If you want to see where we were last weekend - have a look at

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We had a drone taking shots as well.

You can see how we have 360 degrees take off with a few distant mountain tops to traverse.

Altitude was 840 metres - there is one small area to the north west about 4 km. away, which rises to 900 metres, but everywhere else it falls away.

If you look REALLY carefully, you can just make out the top of the Eureka tower in Melbourne, some 72 km. away

Peter VK3QI VK3ER/p

Re: 2016 Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - VK2JDS - 02-12-2016

A photo from the mountaintop here.
The portable setup from left to right is 24 GHz on tripod with 2 foot dish.
6m, 2m, 70cm and 23cm handhelds on the chair as well as the ft817 connected to all the transverters by bnc cables. Log sheets too.
AGM battery primary power source charged by a 2 amp solar panel.
6cm transverter, 3cm transverter on top of the cyan plastic crate.
The blue crates in the background have 47GHz and 76GHz on them and are run from a separate 12 volt deep cycle battery
2.4 Ghz and 3398 MHz on the tripods.
All aimed at the horizon. Changing bands involves swapping connectors and moving the ft817 and logsheets as required.
Everything is powered up all the time to keep the OCXOs hot.
Altitude 960metres. QF46pu.

73 Dave vk2jds