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Shocking news from Tom KC0W/T30COW - Printable Version

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Shocking news from Tom KC0W/T30COW - VK4WDM - 05-10-2016

Tom's dxpedition has come to a halt. He has sent this shocking message from Kiribati:

Everything I own was stolen on 28 September from here in Kiribati. They took all the radios, computers, amplifiers, antennas, coax, EVERYTHING. They even took my clothing & shoes. I have literally NOTHING left…..I type this with tears in my eyes.” Tom KC0W

I worked all over the Pacific Islands for 25 years and only had minor problems with theft, nothing like this.

One wonders how these crims are going to dispose of the electronic and computer equipment from such an isolated spot with very poor transport links. Hopefully local police and customs can retrieve it.

Wayne VK4WDM

Re: Shocking news from Tom KC0W/T30COW - VK2AOH - 07-10-2016

Read about the theft of Tom's equipment and possessions on Kiribati on QRZ. Really leaves a sour taste in your mouth when things like this happens, there are low lifers everywhere.

Tom is well known in ham radio circles and an experienced one man expeditioner.

Guess Kiribati is one Pacific Island to be scratched off the to visit bucket list.