VKSpotter is now available for general use
The new Spot and Chat facility is now active on https://www.vkspotter.com !!  Don't forget to update your bookmarks.

If you have visited before and seen the Aussie map - and it is still there - then you need to refresh the browser cache - Control-F5 for most browsers.

Hopefully you remember your password as you will need to re-enter it - it's a new site so your browser doesn't know about it to give you your password - yet.

It's great to see this new site but be aware there will probably be extra functionality developed over time so it is not quite as functional as the VKLogger facility it effectively replaces.

Great work. 

Thanks to Hilary VK2AZ and Tim VK2XAX for their efforts so far.

Crossreference : https://www.ahrdf.net/forum/showthread.p...98#pid3498
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
Hi all,

VKSpotter has now moved to https://vkspotter.com
There are currently 250 members which I think is a good critical mass to make the site useful.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed by becoming a member and providing feedback, suggestions and encouragement.

Special thanks to Tim VK2XAX for hours and hours of effort with server stuff and bug and enhancement reporting and keeping users happy.

There are many other people that have helped in some way with this effort - we could not have got this far without you.

Of course it goes without saying that the biggest thanks goes to Adam - VK4GHZ for the original VKLogger.

Don't tell him, but I borrowed lots of ideas and some code from his design :-)

There is still lots to do.
Go to the site and have a look at the feedback page.

What you see at the moment on the site is the minimum to make it useful for everyone.

Keep the feedback and feature requests coming...

Thank you Doug for all your help.



Hilary, VK2AZ QF56IF31
Person to blame for VKSpotter

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