USA FCC Exams Learning and Trial software
Today I put up a new web page "FCC Trial Exam Software" at and it describes the use of some new software I have written in the last few days.  The software can provide a "SWOT" text file containing just the questions and correct answers from any available USA Question Pool document. 

It can also be used in a style of multiple choice Q&A with the user having the option of whether the correct answers are visible - or not.  User selected answers are tallied as correct or incorrect, with an option to review incorrect answers as part of the learning process. It is an alternative to perusing pages and pages of even the smaller Extract files. Try both ways and see what suits you.

The software is free : free to download and free to use - for however long you want or need.  Simple to set up or remove too. 
Win32 / Win64 compliant.

There are two download ZIP-file links available on that web page, one containing only the executable with the other also containing the 4 current Question Pool documents in a Plain Text format.

The initial release version is and it will undoubtedly have changes made as feedback comes in and/or bugs become apparent. Updated software will only be available from the web page listed above.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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New version of the software released : V1.0.0.2 10June2019 

Upgraded release with internal Figure support, some correct & incorrect answers highlighted & delayed, controls hints added, slightly revised SWOT file format ( the A,B,C,D have been removed as some online tests randomise the order so learning the answer is preferable to remembering the correct letter.) Extract files all now start with "SWOT Extract ^". 

Same weblink applies.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Well done that man Smile

Not having any need to sit for the FCC exams, I thought for a refresher I'd install and run anyway. Great stuff. I re-learnt some things I'd forgotten about and got wrong the U.S specific stuff because I just didn't know, and still managed to get 85% so not too bad.

There are questions re studying for the FCC exams on another forum I'm a member of (Radio Reference), and if you have no objection I can post a note and a link to your webpage, because I think it would be very useful.
No problems Damien. Link away !

Like everything else  on my website, it becomes publicly available despite my retaining copyright over my actual software. The executable is available, the source code is not.

I do request that only links to the web pages are given so that any updates to descriptions or software code become immediately available to those seeking to use it.  For those who don't understand the above statement, that means download it for your own use but don't put the code itself elsewhere on the web.  Links only please.

I have been running it while writing and debugging and, like you, it has triggered a lot of activity in the memory cells. The FCC Part 97 is certainly different from the ACMA's LCD but it is all remember-able.  I will be doing the Tech, General and Extra Class at the end of next week so it will be interesting to see my final percentages  Big Grin

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Done ... now watch your hit counter Smile
V1.0.0.4 of my FCCExams  software is now available for download. 

New features have been included in the V3 and V4 releases and V4 provides a few 'fixes' for aberrations in V3 released yesterday.

Download and have a play !
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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I passed the web page link onto a few club members earlier, and at a meeting yesterday it seems a few are having some fun and learning with the program Smile
I have only just become aware of the 2020 Extra Class question pool that came into use earlier this year.  I have spent much of the last week working through the 620 questions formulating explanations for the brand new questions and revising others taken from my 2016 Extra support data files. 

It seems that each level has a 4-year life span and the 2016 pool questions expired at the end of 2019, and that means the Tech will be the next one to be updated in or around early 2022, General in early 2023. version was made available for download yesterday and it has the 2020 Extra Class, 2019 General Class and 2018 Technician Class tests included.

There are a couple of questions / answers in the new question pool document that I have some doubts about and will update the files to a new version number if any changes are made to those in the near future.

Download it, try it. See what you thought you knew - but don't know !!!!

Best bit :  It's completely free !!
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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