There is another forum now available to Australian amateurs http://www.vkforum.com.au
It was started Nov 24, 2016 by VK3FRRR. At this stage it seems to be mainly anti-WIA-administration but may develop into something more useful over time.

I only became aware of it via a direct email by VK3JUZ, and if you are a WIA member with a WIA email address then you probably received it also.

Something else to keep an eye on......
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
Quote:Something else to keep an eye on......
After a quick look ..... no thanks Smile
I'm sure the defamation lawyers will be keeping a close watch on this one too.

What was it that Paul Keating said about fireworks?

“the Catherine wheel ... they’d take off, spreadeagle the kids, burn the dog, run up a tree and then fizzle out going round in circles”.

(or something like that)...

The following email received today may be of interest to those concerned with the matters voiced on VKForum (and who don't want to register on that site) regarding the amateur assessment status:

"Good Morning All
Erroneous information has been circulated related to the WIA Assessor and Learning Facilitator training and the status of exams conducted by the WIA Assessors. This erroneous information is related to the Registered Training Organisation status of Trainsafe Australia.

The facts are, that while Michael Owen (SK), was the President the issue of maintaining a Registered Training Organisation purely for WIA training of assessors and learning facilitators would not be a realistic ongoing proposition, due to the high cost of registration, maintenance of an RTO. These discussions were brought to the ACMA consultation meetings and it was decided that a change to the Deed would be made to allow for flexibility in the Amateur Exam Service into the future.

Providing the training received by Assessors and Learning Facilitators is maintained at an agreed standard, that satisfied ACMA requirements and WIA registration requirements, the status quo has remained since the changes to the Deed. Bi-annual reports including KPI's are provided to ACMA for review of service provision and maintenance of standards which is part of the Deed reporting requirements.

All exams conducted by WIA Assessors are valid and will continue to be so while the current structure is in place.

Fred Swainston VK3DAC
Trainsafe Australia
WIA Nominated Training Organisation


Hopefully Fred doesn't object to me pasting his email on here

73 Doug ( one of the many volunteer WIA Assessors )
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.
it would appear it is now defunct as the page shows the usual hosting / domain expired messages we often come across.

Peter, vk5pj

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