SDR play and AIRSPY do they compare?
Has anyone had any experience with the above? How do they compare?
There is a fair difference in price and I wonder if that is a reflection on performance or features.
I note that the Airspy does not cover 6 metres which is surprising.

73 Nev  VK3LU

I use the AirSpy software with an RTL2832U/R820T2 USB dongle, and have tried a few other packages too (SDR# in different releases, etc) and I use mine on 6M at times, and on HF with a little up-converter PCB I built a couple of years ago.  It has an active mixer plus SMD TCXO plus LPF input and HPF output sections that takes freqs between near-DC and 60MHz and converts them up to 100-160MHz. I don't use it as a general all-purpose receiver but more as a spectrum-analyser tool to check for spurious transmitters and interference sources.  I don't think I ever put that project on my web site, one of many unpublished recent-ish projects.

I haven't had any direct experience with either brand hardware SDRs but did note the gap 30-60MHZ on the AirSpy HF+ specs. I assume the prices on their web sites are $US so that makes them 1/3 more expensive here, plus shipping costs.  In comparison, my RTL dongle cost me about $AUD15 in my door from an Australian source a couple of years ago but the costs have gone up such that they are now $30-$40.  Still a lot less than the two brands you quoted.

Check on eBay with a search term such as 'RTL2832U'.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Thanks Doug,
I am asking mainly out of curiosity  (and also to keep the forum ticking over).
I am very pleased with the performance of my IC7300 and wondered how the performance of the above units compared.

73 Nev  VK3LU
As a result of a sheer coincidence I ordered one of these last weekend, it arrived yesterday.

Had a quick play with it and SDRSharp (Airspy). It is a bit deaf with the supplied antenna, inside the house, but that is probably to be expected. I need some bibs and bobs to get it connected to a better skyhook before I pass judgement.
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)
(19-02-2021, 09:20 PM)VK2CSW Wrote:   It is a bit deaf with the supplied antenna, inside the house, but that is probably to be expected.  


I suspect that those antennas are a cheap-ex cellular model around 900MHz - I got one too - but I only use my SDR with an external antenna, usually a discone or one of my yagis.  That makes a whole lot of difference.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Hi Doug,

I wasn't surprised that it wasn't so great. We are in a marginal reception area for broadcast radio and DAB+ radio at best but it did pick up a few things so it isn't completely deaf.

I did run a random piece of wire out the window which improved things.

Plenty of what look like birdies though.

Anyway, it's just something I bought to try and diagnose some interference to digital tv, we'll see what happens when I can plumb it into a better antenna..
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)

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