LED downlights...RFI problems?
Hi all,
I am going to install LED downlights in my house and am wondering if there are any brands to avoid regarding RFI.
Has anyone had any experience with them?

73 Nev  VK3LU
Hello Nev,
yes had a bit to do when putting them in the kitchen, do not buy CHEAP ones, go to your local wholesaler and ask to look at a selection of them, you may need to buy two or more types and TEST them in situ at your QTH. One local VK5 took a FT817 to a LED light display and unplugged them all then plugged in one by one to find lowest RFI.. in short there seems to be no sure fire brand to choose from what out there as batches seem to vary.

Good luck and stay calm :-)
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
Thanks Peter, all noted. I forgot to mention that some will be dimmable. I don't know if that makes any difference.

73 Nev  VK3LU

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