Internode & IInet close their user web spaces
 any of the customers of IInet or Interneode would have received notices that their 'complimentary" web space is being closed down and for the customer to save their web content before the 4th of July dead line (no idea why they chose that date in particular).

I have used my internode web space for a very long time and published a lot of content over the last 20 years but now realize that many other HAM's also have content on these platforms that I continue to referred to.

If you like me have a few favorite web sites like this, it might be time to get a copy of the content or talk to the contents owner and see what they have planned.

I am lucky that I have some paid web hosting I have moved a lot of content to so the loss of will not be the end of my content but there will be many who do not want to pay another yearly bill for what was free.

Have a look in your web favorite and see what you might be about to loose in July.
Peter Sumner, vk5pj

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
No direct experience, but there's always that offers free website space for hams, although a donation is always welcome.
Terry VK5TM
(17-05-2023, 08:36 PM)VK5PJ Wrote: Hello,
 any of the customers of IInet or Interneode would have received notices that their 'complimentary" web space is being closed down and for the customer to save their web content before the 4th of July dead line (no idea why they chose that date in particular).

Yep, IInet and Internode have gone downhill fast since the TPG takeover.
I've lost Nodephone (VoIP), web space and MUM (usage meter).  Also they are NOT part of the FREE FTTP NBN upgrade.  A management decision, so I've been told.
In process of moving to AussieBB for FTTP.

Been looking for free-ish web hosting too.  Some good options here:
Rick Kowalewski
Perth WA
I suggest using offshore webhosting for a lot of reasons and particularly because of the data retention laws.

You can get some good deals, especially if you take up say a 3 year offer and then at the end of the term, open another account with the same company on another 3 year special (and close your first account).

I've been able to get 3 year specials for under $100 AU - just watch out for any add-ons they might try to slip in.
Terry VK5TM
Lucky Peter to get as much time free as you have.
I had a number of sites with Bigpond and I think they stopped their free web hosting maybe 10 years ago Sad
Always the way, money hungry.
Leigh VK2KRR
The Rock Hill West
I manage my local Men's Shed IT systems and thus our webserver:
and, at port 8073 is the webSDR.

Join a Men's Shed.
Then, of course, is my own, on my fixed IP address.
I do not want my email stored "in the cloud" but on MY server. My ISB does let me do Reverse DNS, My IP addr -> my domain name.
I too gave up on TPG as , a fixed IP address was not available on a home plan.
After iinet ”sold” email hosting to a 3rd party company (or did they just create a company to charge for email) I decided don’t get mad get even. Took a while to untangle the mess created by uising my @netspace emails for logins etc but well worth the effort. iiNet have lost my $80 odd per month, hopefully others will do the same. I went with FTTP and Aussie broadband, their technical support is excellent, be aware that if you’re with Aussie Broadband they block most ports and have some other stuff happening that will block remote access back to your QTH.
(26-10-2023, 11:53 PM)VK7ZPD Wrote: I went with FTTP and Aussie broadband, their technical support is excellent, be aware that if you’re with Aussie Broadband they block most ports and have some other stuff happening that will block remote access back to your QTH.
Same here.  ABB is much better.
You can unblock those ports using the ABB portal.  I had the same issue initially.
Rick Kowalewski
Perth WA

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