WIA: Permitted Equipment For Amateur Use
I note a post today on the Codan Outback Radio Yahoo group from someone questioning the value of a Codan 9360, stating that it has the front panel programming feature. This I take to mean frequencies can be entered from the front panel anywhere in it's frequency range coverage.

The response from the group moderator (a Kiwi) in part is:

Quote:The only thing you need to remember, but probably know, is that the 9360 cannot legally be used in Aus/NZ for either amateur use or on commercial frequencies.

It's my understanding that the radio can in fact be legally used in Australia in the Amateur Service - at least by Advanced and Standard licensees - operating within the terms of their licence of course.

But it is correct to say that it cannot be used in the Land Mobile and other services because the radio does not comply with their Standards. That is, it is a "Non-Standard Device" WRT those other services,  at least due to the fact it has the FPP feature.

Am I correct?

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