30-08-2017, 10:56 AM
(29-08-2017, 09:36 PM)VK2ZIW Wrote: Hi Ralph,
How did you solder the "chip" onto the copper heat spreader?
Those transistors MRFE6S9160HS are but $12 each bare, no heat spreader!!
I've ordered six.
Hi Alan, I just use an aluminium plate on my gas stove with the copper heat spreader on top.
On a low heat I wait until a bit of solder just starts to melt then I put the device down on the solder.
I then remove the heat once the device has settled, slow cool down is probably the key to survival of the device.
I would recommend low melting point solder paste but I dont have any yet.
So far I have done 4 of the MRFE6S9160 devices and numerous other MRF9070 devices without any failures.
Ralph VK3WRE