14-09-2017, 04:47 AM
(13-10-2016, 12:50 PM)ZL2BRG Wrote: I've put up 4 x 28 ele DL6WU's on 23cm and currently run 150w. Whats the chances of eme with that ?
Simon you will be easy able to work a number of stations is my guess, why because Ive done just that.
I have 4 G4CQM 60 element Yagis and run about 400w out. I didn't have any elevation and easy worked 4 stations over two days.
Broke the OZ1 to ZL record that stood for 34 Years I think.
You may want t start with a QSO with HB9Q. If you can't work these guys then something is wrong! as they have what can only be called a huge signal off the moon.
TX is just about power but RX you need a good preamp like Sam's (G4DDK) kit. Ive built several of these and most of them will do .25NF if you build them as per the assembly instructions.
Good luck and look forward to working you off the moon and also tropo up the coast.
Roger ZL3RC