SK - Jim Linton VK3PC
Just saw this on the WIA web site.

Vale Jim 

Date : 23 / 02 / 2018 
[b]Author :
 Peter Wolfenden VK3RV[/b]

Australian radio amateurs have lost a stalwart, a man who has dedicated many of his life-long skills and talents to the furtherance of our hobby, Jim Linton, VK3PC. 

Of recent years, Jim has had to contend with a few health issues and sadly passed away in the early hours of Thursday 22nd February 2018, at Epworth Hospital, Box Hill, Victoria after a short battle with thyroid cancer. He was aged 71 years. The first appearance of his call sign was in the 1981/82 Call Book. 

Professionally, Jim was a journalist with skills in marketing and communications and he willingly applied those skills voluntarily to the furtherance of amateur radio. Jim’s lifetime skills were applied over the broad WIA structure, initially within Victoria, later within the Federal and National WIA and indeed internationally, via his involvement with the International Amateur Radio Union. 

Amateur radio is a complex hobby, being one of the most regulated and requiring volunteers with the necessary skills to handle the many matters, some of which can be quite complex and have the potential to hinder or restrict our privileges if not quickly and appropriately addressed. Jim, over the years, capably applied his skills to assist in, and often take the lead in many facets of the administration of our hobby. 

Joining the WIA as an enthusiastic, teenage, shortwave listener, he soon became involved within the Victorian Division including the Sunday news broadcasts, working his way up to becoming State President and Federal Councilor. Later he became involved with Amateur Radio magazine where he acted in a number of capacities including News Editor and Guest Editor. He also wrote many articles for AR, quite a few were historical in nature, a subject which interested him and resulted in receiving the Ron Higginbotham Award from the Publications Committee. 

AR magazine was not the only involvement Jim had with Federal and National WIA affairs. In 1985 and 2010, he was involved with the 75th and 100th Anniversary celebrations of the WIA. He became the inaugural assessor for the WIA Exam Service for VK3 under the new examination structure. Later Jim took on international amateur radio affairs through involvement with IARU, attending a number of important IARU Region III Conferences. In addition to the responsibilities of the Region III Disaster Communications Committee Chairman. 

Jim wanted to see more people involved in Amateur radio. From 2007 he was a WIA Assessor and was actively involved in 196 assessments continuing his efforts to introduce people to Amateur Radio. 

Of more recent times, when the new WIA Board took office in May 2017, Jim was asked to remain in the position of Board Secretary to provide some additional continuity in the operation of the Institute while the New Board was 'finding its feet'. 

Jim, was one of the WIA's longest-serving office holders. An Honorary Life Member of the WIA and Amateur Radio Victoria and was awarded the WIA's highest honour, the GA Taylor Medal in 2011 and the Chris Jones Award for an exceptional contribution to Amateur Radio and the WIA. 

Vale Jim Linton, VK3PC, SK. 

Our sincere condolences are extended to Pauline and their extended family. 

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SK - Jim Linton VK3PC - by VK5TM - 23-02-2018, 04:16 PM

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