23 on 23 Plus MAD - Sun October 23rd 2016
Well here we are 2 and a half weeks out from the next 23 on 23 plus MAD and still very little discussion on an official start time or who is joining in and going where.
I'm still heading for McCarthy Lookout QG63KF and will be working the VK4WIS call sign on 1296, 2.4, 3.4, 5.7 and 10Ghz.
I would still prefer the 10am start to give us plenty of time to play and allow time for any weather changes that may effect the higher uWave bands and for those looking for personal distance records.

10am start with 1296 for the first hour and then 11am onwards is anything go's on the higher bands.
liaison as usual on the local repeaters, 40M HF or mobile phone if available and VK Logger chat.

Looking forward to the day.


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