FreeDV using Codec2 a low bit rate HF codec
Hi again all,

HF frequencies, yes, 7177KHZ LSB and 14236KHz USB.

We are a year on, FreeDV with Codec2 mode 700D is stable.

Would you guys consider a Parrot repeater using the 700D mode.
This would allow testing without a Full Duplex radio system including a duplexer.
Just one transceiver, antenna and computer. "Simples".

FreeDV would allow "secure" voice comms over HF, "secure" in that very few people could decode it.

All I'm asking is, is there any interest? WICEN etc..

Then, on what bands, HF or VHF?

Remember, when there's nobody on the other end of, say a 6m repeater, one can trigger it but I'd
like to hear my audio, not just the "kerchunk" and the CW ident.
That's why "parrot" enthuses me.


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