ACMA consultation regarding Amateur Radio qualification processes
There are pros and cons for each option.  

As an assessor, one of the things I often hear from candidates for assessment (at any grade) is about the cost of attempting the various sections:  Theory, Regs, Prac or a combination of all three (eg for a FL). 
We heard at the recent WIA AGM that the WIA is not covering costs even at the current rates and that there may be a fee adjustment but that they saw the cost was something that should be borne as it allows new people into the hobby.  In the case of a stand-alone RTO which is in it purely for profit, I would expect the fees might skyrocket since the whole process is time consuming, and their people who act as assessors would probably be due an hourly pay rate at the very least – while the WIA has assessors do it for free.

The possibility of online assessments for Theory and Regs might be ok but would still need invigilators physically present to ensure that the person being assessed was actually who they were purporting to be and that the actual answering of the questions was conducted above board. Then comes the Practical: is a for-profit RTO going to have facilities Australia-wide with persons who can conduct a practical assessment ? My experience is that the knowledge that candidates possess varies so widely that only a person knowledgeable in procedures and practical aspects of an AR station can successfully undertake the process. 
All three options proposed in the ACMA document are viable – obviously – but the outcomes of the assessment process is not going to be the same.  Option 1 provides for a Certificate of Proficiency while 2 and 3 don’t . Essentially 2 & 3 provide an Attainment. 

The issue of a licence is the final outcome but is that going to be regarded equally for VK’s travelling overseas and wanting to gain a reciprocal licence or use CEPT equivalency.

These are just my initial thoughts – with probably more to come when I re-read the documents yet again, but I hope it gives a push to thinking about what the outcome will mean. Yes, we mostly might already have our licences but any changes will affect how new people enter the hobby, upgrade from a lower level  - or maybe even get turned away because of prohibitive costs. 

I might currently be a WIA Assessor but that isn't limiting my thoughts to Option 1 as a keep-on-going approach. I am open to relevant ideas that might help me form a better submission.

Your submission to the ACMA might just make that slight difference in the consultation outcome provided it is well thought out and well presented.

Doug,  VK4ADC
WIA Assessor 4-040
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: ACMA consultation regarding Amateur Radio qualification processes - by VK4ADC - 05-06-2018, 09:46 PM

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