Broadband transmission on overhead phone lines a GM experience
I just looked at GM4NNC's page and saw the following comment which I am sure he would be happy to share with us.

It has been made almost impossible for me to operate from my home QTH on most HF Bands,  now........... because of  Noise  ...  
Due to Ofcom's betrayal... by  supporting  BT/Openreach's VDSL Broadband   transmission on  overhead  phone lines   ...  
  [Image: angry_smile.png]      This Blatant Betrayal of Amateur radio would have been unthinkable  five  years ago ....

What happened "five years ago"?  Was that when the UK went to a class license and lost any hope of held from the regulators to deal with interference?  There have been a number of hams who are in favor of similar changes here.

Wayne VK4WDM

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Broadband transmission on overhead phone lines a GM experience - by VK4WDM - 12-10-2018, 10:38 AM

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