Low Z On Transmission Line - What Results?
G'Day To All,

My scenario is as follows:

The back yard only allows me to string out a 88' Dipole.
The dipole centre is 33' while the ends come down to 20'.
From the feed-point is a 33' length of 450 Twin Lead to ground level where it enters a 9:1 Balun, then 40' of 50 ohm low loss back to a tuner.

I particularly like operating on 160 & 80.

At 160, the Impedance at the balun will be 270 ohms, not a big drama, but on 80 the impedance falls to 50 ohms.

Will the signal on 80 be greatly affected do you believe?

Pete  VK4CCV

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Low Z On Transmission Line - What Results? - by VK4CCV - 14-10-2018, 05:28 PM

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