Remote your shack, how do you do it?
Big Grin 
Hey Colin,
 my home PC is just ISP dynamic, no fancy fixed IP here Smile the link is all managed by both ends connecting to a teamviewer web site service and the initial handshake happens there.

I even have teamviewer on my Raspberry PI 3 and use that from work too for when I need to test the outside interfaces at work ( IT systems Admin at a large school ).  The PC at work is ONLY setup for outbound connections, where as home is setup for only inbound so I can maintain a level of isolation between work and home functions (so my boss is happy).

As I mentioned in the orig post, have teamviewer on my Android phone too and can control from there in a pinch.

I do have a dynamic DNS name for my outside interface but it plays no part in the teamviewer setup.. I used that for a pair of RemoteRig boxes I was trying to use from a hill top (on hold because of RSI at the hill top site)


Messages In This Thread
Remote your shack, how do you do it? - by VK5PJ - 23-10-2018, 01:10 PM
RE: Remote your shack, how do you do it? - by VK5PJ - 23-10-2018, 05:18 PM

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