It looks like I have the new ball on this topic so here goes...

I recently discovered I was causing TVI whilst WSPRing on 2.
Perhaps I should explain my situation. Where I live we have local TV translators covering the five networks.
I have no problems with them.
However our location is such that reception of Melbourne TV is possible with a Y13 antenna and a masthead amp, producing reasonable signal strength and good signal quality although at times prone to ignition or powerline noise.
It was ch7 that was being wiped out by my 5 watts of WSPR on 2m, ch9 less so and ch10 slightly. Operating on any other band on any mode is TVI free.
I installed a Kingray FL3BPMH filter but it had no effect.
I installed a stub cut for effect.
I thought my IC7000 might be in trouble so tried my IC706...same result.
I am now thinking that perhaps the ageing half wave vertical I am using is the problem.
Unfortunately it will be a major operation to replace it but it seems inevitable.

Anyone with different ideas?
73 Nev
73 Nev  VK3LU

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