VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019
The following was copied from the current VKLogger Forum about the basic Logger functionality:

Like I have been saying for years, the VK Logger coding is old, circa 2003.
The entire site needs replacing.
It has been held together with gaffer tape and string for too many years!

Comments above just reaffirm how antiquated the VK Logger scripting really is.
Moving forward, it simply not good enough anymore.

NOBODY in two years has come forward to volunteer to build a replacement, as has been asked many times.
Whether it ends up here on vklogger.com or a completely new domain, that's up to you, but we can work together to ensure the existing VKL data can be imported into your new site.

There is a difference between chat only (KST) and a site that actually saves information on database tables, so that historical information becomes useful.

Like I have also been saying since early 2017, VK Logger is on 'End of life'.

The two other (Wordpress based) domains that share this server have required a later version of php (minimum 5.6) to run some of the plugins.
I have had to deliberately keep this shared server on an old version of php, 5.3 for some time now.
Up until recently, not updating the plugins of the other sites only affected cosmetics, something I could tolerate.
But this situation has changed recently due to security vulnerabilities.

Therefore, VK Logger will cease to operate from March 25, 2019.

March 25 being the 14th anniversary date... no other reason.
It is a compromise between ASAP and offering some advance notice of cessation.

This forum will continue to operate after the 'php switch', and in fact I will be able to upgrade the Forum to a later version (that also required a later version on php to operate).

The domain name was renewed this week till March 25, 2020.
Renewal beyond that will be determined by how much the Forum is utilised.
If it aint worth running anymore, it aint worth running anymore.

Now, before the moaning and complaining starts, consider this.

This 'end of life' status has been announced many times on the VHF Facebook group.
You missed that?

But some people think Facebook is the best thing since sliced bread?
That must be the only reason we see so people post so much on Facebook on a daily basis, when a Forum would be more suitable for longevity and searchability ? 

As it stands there are two options:

Option 1) 
The easy (read as: lazy) way is move across to KST chat.
Minimal effort required.
You will have a basic chat facility that only stores the chat for 2 weeks (or whatever it is).
No integrated mapping.
No long term database back-end.
No interactive beacon and repeater databases kept updated by spots.

Perhaps most people do not value this extra functionality?

Option 2)
Somebody passionate needs to get cracking and start coding, and start building!

Bear in mind, I knew nothing about php or MySQL etc when I started building VK Logger in 2003.
I learnt along the way.
Therefore, there are NO excuses why any existing user cannot take this task on.
(Unless you have a genuine learning disability.)
The only prerequisite is that you are passionate about the hobby.

And no, moving VK Logger as-is back onto on a stand-alone hosting is not an option.
The only reason VK Logger has kept operating since 2016 is because it was moved to 'piggyback' on another domain, not a costing anything extra to host.
(The business website is an unavoidable expense anyway)
And no, accepting donations is not option either. 
Several nasty individuals (who have a history of dummy spits and chose to use KST exclusively) put an end to accepting donations in early 2016.
It's simply not worth dealing with nut cases and their unreasonable demands.
Demands, if not met, result in dummy spits and tantrums.
Been there, done that.

Moving forward, if someone shows me a working site, we can properly discuss data migration etc.
It would be a terrible shame to waste 13 years worth of data collection.


VK Logger Administrator


A further post explains some more of the background....


Quote:VK7HH wrote:I think you misunderstood the reason for my original posting...

Haden, it seemed an appropriate time to officially mention the scheduled closure date.
Nothing more, nothing less.

I have had other recent (via direct messaging) messages regarding issues with seeing Google Map elements.
In other words, it's a common problem for many, not just those who have posted in this topic.

The DX Path mapping issues were another major driver in closing down VK Logger.

I had to create a Google billing account recently and jump through all sorts of hoops to keep the old (obsolete since 2016) DX Path map going.

The DX Path Map scripting is more complicated (than the maps found elsewhere ie; beacon, repeater and history pages which were updated with new mapping API back in 2016), because of the AJAX data feeding into it along with sun positioning, and equatorial band.

Quote:VK7HH wrote:I would be more inclined for an "upgrade" or a rebuild though as most of the backend seems to be the issue correct? The front end is just fine.

There are too many band aids as it is.
Trust me, it needs a complete re-write.

Quote:VK7HH wrote:... you've invested too much time in the Logger to consider just shutting it down.

Yes, but I have emotionally detached myself from the hobby over recent years.

Quote:VK7HH wrote:I'd have to read back through some of the posts, but have you lost interest in it? Lost interest in amateur radio?

I've been QRT since April 2014.
The lack of local VHF and microwave activity and the overwhelming levels of apathy killed my interest.

Quote:VK7HH wrote:From the tone of your post it seems like you've just about had your tether with the individuals who have caused issues relating to the logger... Sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture and realize that the appreciative ones outweigh the haters.

Except when the haters outweigh the appreciative.

Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

This Forum is only going to be as interesting as the posts it contains. 
If you have a comment or question, post it as it may trigger or answer the query in someone else's mind.

Messages In This Thread
VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019 - by VK4ADC - 25-01-2019, 04:51 PM
RE: VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019 - by ZL3MF - 05-04-2019, 05:04 AM
RE: VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019 - by VK2WP - 31-03-2019, 11:12 AM
RE: VKLogger - End of Life - 25 March 2019 - by ZL3MF - 01-04-2019, 07:42 AM

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