Future assessments - WIA or other ??
When you have a look at how AMC run the Maritime Radio Operators Certificates you find (my summary) -
  • You can study independently or attend a course. If a course then the trainer must hold the same or better certificate. (A normal VET requirement)
  • You contact an invigilator for the assessment. Some work independently, some out of associations such as TAFE's, maritime training organisations and volunteer groups.
  • Independent invigilators supervise examinations on a voluntary basis and therefore do not charge for this service, although there may be reimbursement of costs incurred. If associated with an organisation then there may be an admin fee charged. It does not infer that the invigilator holds the same or better licence and ultimately they are simply supervising your completion of the exam package and posting it back to the AMC.
  • The invigilator will request an exam package from the AMC and return it to the ANC for marking. 
This means that the individual could study at, for example, a yacht club and the invigilator could be a yacht club member or indeed the course trainer. 

That does not seem to distant from the previous WIA process as I read it.

So -
  • The course could be at a radio club and the trainer an existing facilitator or anyone who holds the same or better licence level.
  • The invigilator could well be an existing assessor under the old scheme. Subject to AMC registration and probably needing to hold a Cert IV in training and assessment (TAE40116).  
  • The only difference at the end is that AMC do the marking so you would not have the Pass/Fail result by the time you walked out the door. Who manages the call sign allocation is also a question but quite likely the ACMA themselves.
  • A plus there would ultimately be the potential for the pass being recognised as an RPL component towards another VET qualification as it is being managed by a registered RTO.

As I read it...


(Who has a non-current and older Cert 4 TAA and has been a VET trainer in the past.)

Messages In This Thread
Future assessments - WIA or other ?? - by VK4ADC - 02-01-2019, 06:47 PM
RE: Future assessments - WIA or other ?? - by VK5ZD - 01-02-2019, 11:47 PM
RE: Future assessments - WIA or other ?? - by VK3AV - 02-02-2019, 03:54 PM

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