LIPD's, eh? What could possibly go wrong?
The thing about this story is that we don't actually know which LIPD allocation is being used by the keyless access devices in these modern vehicles..

An extract from , titled Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence 2000 

15 All transmitters 1. 70–70.24375 2. 77.29375– 77.49375 3. 150.7875– 152.49375 4. 173.29375–174 100 mW 
16 All transmitters 1. 225–242 2. 244–267 3. 273–303.95 4. 304.05–328.6 5. 335.4–399.9 10 µW 
17 All transmitters 433.05–434.79 25 mW 
18 All transmitters 915–928 3 mW 
19 All transmitters 2400–2483.5 10 mW 19A All transmitters 5725–5875 25 mW 
20 All transmitters 1. 10500–10550 2. 24000–24250 100 mW 

The local assumption is that it is the section 17 values of 433.05 to 434.79 but who really knows ?
The 25mW limit might have been the issue .. and was replaced by a significantly higher power level in practice.

"4 Class Licence (1) This Class Licence authorises a person to operate a transmitter included in a class of transmitters mentioned in an item in Schedule 1, subject to the following conditions: (a) the transmitter must be operated: (i) on a frequency, or within a range of frequencies, mentioned in the item; and (ii) at a radiated power that does not exceed the maximum EIRP mentioned in the item; and (iii) within the limitations (if any) mentioned in the item; "

So that becomes 25mW EIRP.................
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: LIPD's, eh? What could possibly go wrong? - by VK4ADC - 11-03-2019, 10:32 AM

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