AR - and you - in 2019.. Questions to ponder.
How well has AR (amateur radio) started for you in 2019 ??

Here are a few questions that you might like to mentally answer:

Have you..
1. read your latest Amateur Radio magazine cover-to-cover ?
2. operated in an Australian contest: the John Moyle, Summer VHF/UHF Field Day, Ross Hull ?
3. worked via sporadic E on 6 metres or 2 metres ?
4. operated in an international contest ?
5. used FT8 to make contacts on HF or VHF ?
6. worked anyone on CW ?  If not, have you listened to any CW at all this year, even in passing ?
7. worked an "F-call" on HF, 2M or 70cM ?
8. updated your QSO logging software ?
9. logged into eQSL or LOTW (or other) to check or send electronic QSLs ?
10. listened to a beacon on HF or above ?
11. made an antenna, regardless of how simple ?
12. visited the WIA website ?
13. gone portable just for fun ? SOTA ?
14. used IRLP or Echolink (even inadvertently) ?
15. searched on the web for info about an AR transceiver ?
16. had a QSO on the radio whilst mobile ?
17. attended a radio club meeting or event  ?
18. heard about the changes in the AR licence assessment processes ?
19. terminated a coax cable ?
20. used AR-related software ?
21. Google-ed a callsign for info ?
22. checked your licence (or someone else's) details in the ACMA Public Register ? { eg for licence expiry date }
23. received a 'paper' QSL card - and, more importantly, sent a card in reply ?
24. contributed to a discussion on an AR forum ?

99. even just thought about doing some - or all - of the above ???

Can you think of other things that might indicate a healthy future for amateur radio and could be added to the list ?
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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AR - and you - in 2019.. Questions to ponder. - by VK4ADC - 24-03-2019, 07:43 AM

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