Forum : Tapatalk access has been switched off temporarily
Tapatalk is generating errors separate to the database errors mentioned in a previous post, possibly due to its operation under PHP 7.2, which causes this to appear in the error log "" <message>count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable</message>

The problem is that the error log is growing rapidly and will probably have to be deleted daily ( growing > 15MB a day).

I have dropped the PHP version back to 7.1 to see if it resolves enough to allow Tapatalk to run until its next update is available - hopefully it will then be fully 7.2 compatible. PHP 7.2 is the current release and the software must be able to operate based on the current release. (Also note Admin's comment re PHP versions causing VKLogger end of life !)

However, if 7.1 does not solve the issue then I will have no other choice than to remove Tapatalk completely.  The forum does have a mobile-friendly template available to smaller display devices so, while removing Tapatalk is not desirable, it will not prevent Forum access on mobile devices.

I do not want to have to go into the Forum file system to manually delete a file every day - or every second day - to prevent disk storage and backup issues.  Just not happening !!
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: Forum : Tapatalk access has been switched off temporarily - by VK4ADC - 14-05-2019, 08:15 AM

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