It's over. Amateur Radio Magazine scanning project.
Somehow I think I will still keep my 40-50 years of ARs but use the hard work these guys have done in creating a electronic copy plus an index to find what issue a project is in. Fortunately, almost all of mine are stored in boxes in year and month order (4BVI - hint here Ron).

The historical value of their work is great but the technologies have changed so much that there is limited value in early project articles. Just try to buy a small signal germanium transistor these days - it isn't easy. There are so few retailers supplying so few individual generic parts, let alone unusual ones like specific coils or RF / signal transformers, it is difficult to emulate the original practical project but using those design ideas / concepts and updating to current parts and techniques still has value to the multitudes.

Antenna designs etc - that's something that lives on, with maybe a little metrification here and there.

On a side note : the thread title appeared just after I heard Bob Hawke died and I initially thought it was a reference to a well-known (but not necessarily well-liked) Aussie politician...
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: It's over. . Amateur Radio Magazine scanning project. - by VK4ADC - 17-05-2019, 08:23 AM

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