2019 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 22nd / 23rd June
From text edition for June 9 2019 - VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA : http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/

Also in MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2019-06-09.mp3

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, Interim Manager for the VHF-UHF Field Days

The 2019 Winter event is two weekends away !

It has been a looong interim for me, but here we are with the first single set of rules.
No more Division 1 and Division 2. Scoring is now be distance-based.

So. Over Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd, Winter Field Day fun and frolics is on for all you stalwart enthusiasts keen to brave whatever the weather can throw at us.

So far, that means wild winds, low temperatures and icy precipitation

All the Sections and Sub-sections featured in past events remain, as do the two-hour re-work period and the exchange of 6-character locators for all contacts.

Any stalwart Rovers keen to travel from peak to peak  well, hump to hump, really . . . still have to travel from Square to Square, but the scoring is based on 6-character locators.

You can concentrate your efforts on one band, if that's what you fancy, and go hammer and tongs to pile up contacts.
You never know, you might just win the sub-section to the surprise of all !

Alternatively, have a lash at the Four-bands Sub-section.
At a minimum, you can operate on any two of the bands six metres, two metres, 70 centimetres, 23 centimetres  or three bands, or the whole four !

You don't have to be a gun operator with a super station to get out there and have fun on the Field Day.
For those who are old hands at VHF-UHF Field Day shenanigans, why not invite an F-call or Standard to join you in the field.
Or, invite an F-call or Standard to your home QTH for a few hours of the contest.

Yes. Home stations are welcome !

Take the opportunity, if you know someone returning to the hobby, get them involved and mentor them through the process of making contest contacts.

You never know what might happen. They could get hooked !

You'll find the rules on the VHF-UHF Field Days page of the WIA website.

http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/v..._Final.pdf )

So. Download the new rules from the website  and over Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd  be on the air, or be square !
This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

EDITORS NOTE : You will need to download a revised version of the VKCL logging software to suit, now at V4.8 and available from http://www.mnds.com.au/vkcl
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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RE: 2019 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 22nd / 23rd June - by VK4ADC - 08-06-2019, 09:54 AM

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