19-06-2019, 04:56 PM
At the recent Nordic VUSHF Meeting Stefan, LA0BY, made a presentation about extreme tropo propagation: http://www.la0by.darc.de/190615_LA0BY_Tr...xtreme.pdf that is worthwhile reading.
Even though the Ireland to Newfoundland is "only" 3000 kms/s vs Cape Verde <-> Guadeloupe is 3867 kms/s my gut feeling is that the water is a lot colder at the more northern path.
At the recent Nordic VUSHF Meeting Stefan, LA0BY, made a presentation about extreme tropo propagation: http://www.la0by.darc.de/190615_LA0BY_Tr...xtreme.pdf that is worthwhile reading.
Even though the Ireland to Newfoundland is "only" 3000 kms/s vs Cape Verde <-> Guadeloupe is 3867 kms/s my gut feeling is that the water is a lot colder at the more northern path.