2019 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 22nd / 23rd June
My brother Bert VK3TU and I mounted an impromptu outing for this event. Given that we only had a few hours' operating time and there were just the two of us, we decided to rationalise the equipment down to what we could readily deploy in a minimum time. We also chose a location very close to where we normally would go, but which sacrifices some elevation and take-off to the south and west in return for comfort. Oh, well, better than nothing. Bands in use were 144, 432, 3398, 5760 and 10368 MHz. Contacts were made on every band, which was rewarding. Perhaps the best QSO was with VK3KQ on 3398 MHz. They had solid QRM at their end and I only took my GARC 1W panel transverter instead of my usual 20W transverter with 60cm dish. Lesson learnt......

Some photos below. Bert at the controls.



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RE: 2019 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day - 22nd / 23rd June - by VK3PY - 24-06-2019, 08:48 PM

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