Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
I suspect that I will have to print out the proposals to crosscheck against the current LCD, and maybe write up a submission but WOW !

There are a few things not actually covered in that, probably the most obvious one to me at the moment being the recognition of overseas body issued qualifications and equivalency to an Australian licence is not addressed.   I am not talking about the 90 day visitor reciprocal arrangement here but someone who wants a permanent VK (or other prefix ?) callsign. The last I heard was that ACMA is holding off pending a 'review' and if this isn't a review, what is it ? Opportunity is knocking..

The issue of 3.6GHz - well we are going to lose that to the likes of 5G anyway. Sooner or later. No contest against the commercial pressures. 

Foundations & digital access - has to happen to engage many of the younger folk entering the hobby.
Power levels - a bit higher but not sure about 400 watts PEP. Maybe this will become clearer when I re-read it.
Some of the other 'suggestions' need a re-read too. Too much to take in on a first read.

It seems that yet again the ACMA is devolving away from AR more than I would expect but maybe that is good for the future health of the hobby. Maybe not too.

Time will tell but 'they' have probably already made up their mind.
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK4ADC - 29-06-2019, 04:43 PM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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