Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Wow! A few things i didn't expect from the ACMA. I hope i've read correctly on some of the proposals.

The issue of foundation call signs:-

"RASA proposes that the QAA–QZZ series be use for Foundation licensees who wish to use data modes, while allowing licensees to retain their existing call sign if they so choose."

I have no issue at all on whatever they propose as long as its a 6 letter call. The option is a nice touch.

The issue of foundation bands:-

Didnt expect this idea.

"The ACMA considers that allowing Foundation, Standard and Advanced licensees to use all existing Amateur frequency bands is unlikely to significantly increase the risk of congestion or interference. We consider that this would enable greater scope for experimentation and skills development by amateur licensees."

Are the ACMA hinting at A 1 class license?
Give the foundation 20 metres, 6 metres, and maybe a few of the lesser used bands to try and populate them, and why not a few higher bands.

The issue of foundation and standard power:-

The ACMA mention the WIA's proposal for 50 watts for foundation and 200 watts for standard, but then up the ante with this!

"The ACMA considers that allowing all licensees using any amateur station to use 400 watts peak envelope power, the same limit as currently applies to Advanced licensees, is unlikely to significantly increase the risk of congestion or interference. We consider that such a change would be consistent with the spectrum management principles, as it reduces restrictions on Foundation and Standard licensees."

Again another hint at maybe an single license regime?
My thoughts, 100 watts for foundation and 200 watts or more for standard. 95% of HF radios you can buy over the counter are 100 watt boxes, in 1 swoop there goes the common complaint of F calls using more power. Standards I personally feel should have the same power limits as full call, only bands should be the difference between the 2 classes.
400 watts for F calls isn't necessary.

There are quite a few other proposals, I highly recommend having a read, some of the stuff ACMA mention is a real surprise.

I've held off upgrading my license for some years now waiting on this license change. I didnt want to spend a heap of money only to find they changed the F call to what i consider useful. These proposals are better than i ever expected, I have no illusion though that anything like what they propose will eventuate.
Steve VK4SMJ

Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK4SMJ - 29-06-2019, 08:28 PM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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