Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
Hi Colin

I agree with you. I don't really see any negatives with these proposals at all provided the license structure is maintained and others have corrected my earlier incorrect view on that.

A major challenge is going to be updating the foundation license syllabus and exam to reflect the changes without making the qualification too difficult to attain.

I don't agree with the previous poster's worry about "dumbing down" to a CB type class license. The ACMA is bound by ITU rules to ensure that the international regulations for the amateur radio service are adhered to.

Wayne VK4WDM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK4WDM - 30-06-2019, 08:02 PM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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