Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
To be honest I don't see any issue with reciprocal rights.  The changes to the legislation and instruments need to reflect other legislative requirements and ITU requirements, so reciprocal rights wont change (and for the most part the rights only apply to advanced class licence holders as it its the CEPT applicable licence).  From the doc:

With respect to amateur licensing, the role of the ACMA is to:
ensure that licensing arrangements continue to reflect Australia’s obligations under Article 25.6 of the ITU Radio Regulations and comply with relevant Australian legislation

I would suggest that overseas visitors would be covered by the above - I have no idea if foundation and standard have an equivalent but the relaxation of the criteria would serve to make it easier for O/S licencees to comply.

I think thse motherhood staements from ACMA are actually positive:

The changes proposed in this paper are consistent with the Principles for the following reasons:
- removing unnecessary restrictions on amateur licensees and ensuring continued access to spectrum will use the least cost and least restrictive approach to meet our regulatory role
- simplifying the amateur licensing regime and allowing all licensees greater flexibility in using frequency bands, emission modes and equipment, will promote both certainty and flexibility
- maintaining the existing conditions of the Amateur LCD and the Overseas Class Licence relating to interference management will adequately balance the cost of interference, while allowing amateur licensees to better utilise allocated frequency bands. 

The changes reflected in the draft omnibus instrument amend the Amateur LCD and the Overseas Class Licence to:
- allow the use of digital transmission modes
- remove the restriction on emission modes for Foundation licensees
-allow Foundation licensees to use non-commercially manufactured equipment and internet-connected repeater systems
- relax the permitted bandwidths for all licensees
- clarify definitions.
- specify that an amateur station must not be operated in the 3575–3600 MHz band within the designated areas after the day occurring before the end of the relevant reallocation period.
- update the list of permitted amateur frequencies to subject the use of the 3575–3600 MHz band to that same limitation.
define the designated areas and commencement dates for the 3575–3600 MHz band by referring to the relevant reallocation declaration.

The sky is falling was in reference to general commentary on this matter (and pretty much any other type of change Smile ) both here and elsewhere.

Of course if a person's default position is "We'll all be rooned" then any change can be seen as a terrifying boogey man even without reading and considering the matter at hand.

Now where's that cheese gone?
Barossa Valley, SAP. PF95ln
(aka VK5CSW)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK2CSW - 01-07-2019, 08:16 AM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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