Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions
(19-07-2019, 03:47 PM)VK4ADC Wrote: BUMP again.  It is important that your views are submitted to the ACMA before the closing date.

Do it this weekend... Fingers to keyboard.

I am writing a submission but I need advice on the following:  I believe that the HF, VHF and UHF band allocations for the foundation license should stay as they are, but given that we are trying to attract youthful techies who are involved in robotics and the like, it is probably essential that they have access to some microwave bands, but which bands?


Wayne VK4WDM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK4WDM - 19-07-2019, 08:07 PM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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