Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions

Contemplate which bands that gear can be bought for as 'ready to use'. That includes 23cm (1.3 GHz), probably 13cm (2.4 GHz), not so much 9cm (3.4), 6cm (5.7) or 3cm (10.3 GHz). 

While it is possible that some of the FLs would have microwave-relate-able  skills, do we need to limit them to those bands and not be able to self-assemble or self-build ?

Then again re-check the microwave bands Standards currently have access to - if you haven't already.

Personally, it is hard to decide what to support / recommend for FLs in terms of bands and powers although a lift from 10 watts is definitely desirable.  Ditto the same for Standards as far as bands are concerned.

Then again, do we still want the 3 levels or just have 2 levels : FLs as intro level and a single level that 'grandfathers' Standard into an Advanced class ? I have seen quite a few WIA Standard and Advanced exam papers over the years as an Assessor for them and there really isn't a lot of depth difference between them - although I haven't seen the newer AMC papers (and am not likely to).

I do want to see FLs get into digital modes though as I think that is probably one of the best ways to encourage more activities in the younger generation(s) - those more interested in digital exchanges.

I still have to do my "fingers-to-keyboard" but have given it some thought already. I have yet to print out some of the documents so that I can compare section by section to the current LCD, and that needs to be done first just to see the overall effects of what has been suggested. Good task to get underway this weekend.

My 2.2 cents..
Doug VK4ADC @ QG62LG51

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK4ADC - 19-07-2019, 09:58 PM
RE: Proposed changes to amateur licence conditions - by VK5ZD - 28-09-2019, 09:45 AM

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