Anyone tried the new exam system yet?
I taught in the university system, including UNITAS for many years, and getting a new course up and running is a very complex issue no matter what the academic level of the course. The syllabus and teaching material has to be approved by a least one "teaching and learning committee" and signed off by senior academics.

Assessors will have to be vetted, approved and appointed according to established procedures and educated on policies such as equity, sexual harassment, bullying etc.

Exam material will need to be assessed by an expert panel before it can be used. Examination results will have to be reviewed before they can be issued and there has to be complaint review systems in place.

I am surprised, not by the length of time that is being taken to get things moving, but by how quickly they are moving!

Yes, I am worried that the longer time frame, extra complexity and increased costs will deter prospective hams. Two members of the group I have been mentoring lost interest in getting a license. One of them commenting: why do you need a university qualification for a hobby? Maybe a very good point!

Something I cannot find out.  Can the new system, like the old one, be accessed by those under 18 years old?  If so, "working with children" checks will be required for assessors and others involved with the juveniles.


Wayne VK4WDM

Messages In This Thread
Anyone tried the new exam system yet? - by VK4WDM - 12-06-2019, 01:15 PM
RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet? - by VK4WDM - 24-07-2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet? - by VK5ZD - 01-08-2019, 04:51 PM
RE: Anyone tried the new exam system yet? - by VK3FDLL - 15-10-2019, 04:40 PM

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