John Bisgrove VK4ZJB
Its with great sadness that I have to advise that John Bisgrove VK4ZJB (ex VK4KK) passed away earlier this week. John will be known as one of the really keen 6 meter operators over the past few decades. He is only one of a few VK hams that achieved 6 meter DXCC and I believe at last count John had confirmed about 115 countries on 6 meters. This is an achievment that very few of us will ever see.
John was a great homebrewer specialising in valve amplifiers and there wasnt a question on amplifiers he didnt know the answer to.
I become friends with John over the past few years and had great times dropping into his house at Gympie and listening to his stories of 6 meter DX. John had a wicked sense of humour and was always emailing funny stories that he had come across.
John took me and Chris VK4HJ under his wing the last few years and tried to pass on to us as much of his knowledge as he could.We would all spend hours on the phone reinventing the world.
John will be cremated at the Gympie Crematorium this Thursday at 10.30am and is survived by his wife Wendy.
We will miss you old mate
Wayne VK4WTN

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